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Cisco 500-420 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco AppDynamics Associate Performance Analyst
Exam Code: 500-420 CAAPA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco AppDynamics Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-420 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-420 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Agents and Application Performance: This 500-420 exam topic examines the ability to effectively manage AppDynamics agents, monitor application performance, and troubleshoot related issues. It covers configuring alerts, identifying performance metrics, and generating reports. Cisco administrators, architects, and consultants must demonstrate their skills in maintaining agent functionality and analyzing application performance, ensuring optimal system operation.
  • Module 2: Troubleshooting: This topic assesses the expertise of Cisco administrators, architects, and consultants in using dashboards, following troubleshooting procedures, capturing snapshots, and evaluating server performance. Candidate aspiring to become the Cisco AppDynamics Associate Performance Analyst must demonstrate competence in identifying slow, error, and stalled business transactions.
  • Module 3: Business Transactions: This section evaluates the ability to manage and optimize business transaction configurations within Cisco AppDynamics. It involves creating transaction scopes, analyzing metrics, and managing detection logic. For Cisco architects and consultants, proficiency in this area is essential for ensuring that business transactions are accurately tracked and performance is optimized across the application.
  • Module 4: Health Rules, Dashboards, and Snapshots: This topic tests the 500-420 exam candidate’s competence in creating and managing health rules, dashboards, and snapshots. It includes monitoring health events, identifying issues through dashboards, and analyzing snapshots. The exam measures how well Cisco administrators and systems engineers can maintain application health and respond to potential issues, ensuring continuous system performance.
  • Module 5: Collectors, Information Points, and Service Endpoints: Candidates must demonstrate their ability to manage transaction splits, configure asynchronous transactions, and analyze endpoint metrics. Targeting aspiring Cisco systems implementers and architects, this section emphasizes the importance of data collection and analysis in maintaining application performance.


Exam Name: Cisco AppDynamics Associate Performance Analyst
Exam Code: 500-420 CAAPA
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco AppDynamics Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-420 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-420 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Agents and Application Performance: This 500-420 exam topic examines the ability to effectively manage AppDynamics agents, monitor application performance, and troubleshoot related issues. It covers configuring alerts, identifying performance metrics, and generating reports. Cisco administrators, architects, and consultants must demonstrate their skills in maintaining agent functionality and analyzing application performance, ensuring optimal system operation.
  • Module 2: Troubleshooting: This topic assesses the expertise of Cisco administrators, architects, and consultants in using dashboards, following troubleshooting procedures, capturing snapshots, and evaluating server performance. Candidate aspiring to become the Cisco AppDynamics Associate Performance Analyst must demonstrate competence in identifying slow, error, and stalled business transactions.
  • Module 3: Business Transactions: This section evaluates the ability to manage and optimize business transaction configurations within Cisco AppDynamics. It involves creating transaction scopes, analyzing metrics, and managing detection logic. For Cisco architects and consultants, proficiency in this area is essential for ensuring that business transactions are accurately tracked and performance is optimized across the application.
  • Module 4: Health Rules, Dashboards, and Snapshots: This topic tests the 500-420 exam candidate’s competence in creating and managing health rules, dashboards, and snapshots. It includes monitoring health events, identifying issues through dashboards, and analyzing snapshots. The exam measures how well Cisco administrators and systems engineers can maintain application health and respond to potential issues, ensuring continuous system performance.
  • Module 5: Collectors, Information Points, and Service Endpoints: Candidates must demonstrate their ability to manage transaction splits, configure asynchronous transactions, and analyze endpoint metrics. Targeting aspiring Cisco systems implementers and architects, this section emphasizes the importance of data collection and analysis in maintaining application performance.


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Q1. Which Application Dashboard view categorizes transactions by load, response time, errors, slow transactions, and stalled transactions in a single aggregated value for a specific time range?

A.Transaction Snapshots

B. Top Business Transactions

C. Machine Snapshots

D. Transaction Score

Correct Answer: D

Q2. When using the REST interlace where would a Performance Analyst go to see all of the captured endpoints by service?

A.Navigate to the Metric Browser then to the specific metric. Copy the REST URL from the Metric Browser and then use a wildcard query to get the metrics for other SEPs.

B. Navigate to the Applications browser then drill down the requested endpoint with the available Dashboard & Metrics indicators then selected the desired metric.

C. Navigate to the Applications browser then drill down the requested endpoint with the available Dashboard & Metrics indicators then selected the desired metric.

D. Navigate to the Metric Browser then to the Consumed Endpoints location. Drill down in the metric browser on the specific endpoint to call out its services.

E. Access the MySQL database and find all the endpoints in an app. where can drill down to the tier and transactions using the endpoints. Select the appropriate REST feature enabled by the service endpoint.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which Application Dashboard view categorizes transactions by load, response time, errors, slow transactions, and stalled transactions in a single aggregated value for a specific time range?

A.Transaction Snapshots

B. Top Business Transactions

C. Machine Snapshots

D. Transaction Score

Correct Answer: D

Q4. What is the purpose of a transaction snapshot?

A.To analyze issues with a specific business transaction

B. To analyze issues only with a transaction flagged as stalled

C. To analyze issues with a specific instances of a transaction

D. To analyze issues only with a transaction flagged as slow

Correct Answer: A

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