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Cisco 500-325 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Collaboration Servers and Appliances
Exam Code: 500-325 CSA

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-325 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 500-325 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Unified Computing System Architecture: This 500-325 exam topic focuses on the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) architecture and its various appliances, like BE4000, BE6000, BE7000, and CMS models. Understanding the features and functionalities of these systems, including hybrid applications with Spark and the DIY approach, is crucial. It also tests the ability of a Cisco Collaboration Engineer to design, size, and deploy unified communications on Cisco UCS.
  • Module 2: BIOS and Integrated Management Controller Setup: It covers network setup, BIOS parameters, and IMC functionalities. As a Cisco Collaboration Engineer, demonstrating expertise in these setups is vital for ensuring proper system initialization and management, which impacts overall system performance and stability in your role.
  • Module 3: Introduction and Setup of VMware ESXi: Here, the Cisco Collaboration Servers and Appliances exam tests the understanding of Cisco Collaboration Engineer about VMware ESXi 5.0, including its setup, virtual machine creation, and related networking and storage configurations. This topic is crucial for Cisco Collaboration Engineers to effectively virtualize applications and manage VMware environments.
  • Module 4: Deploying Virtualized Applications: This 500-325 exam topic focuses on virtualizing unified communications applications and migrating to virtualized deployments. It evaluates your skills in implementing and managing virtualized solutions, which is essential for optimizing and scaling Cisco collaboration systems. Mastery of this area demonstrates your capability to handle virtualized environments effectively, a key requirement for Cisco Collaboration Engineers.


Exam Name: Cisco Collaboration Servers and Appliances
Exam Code: 500-325 CSA

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Channel Partner Program Certifications
  • Cisco Advanced Collaboration Architecture Specialization Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-325 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 500-325 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Unified Computing System Architecture: This 500-325 exam topic focuses on the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) architecture and its various appliances, like BE4000, BE6000, BE7000, and CMS models. Understanding the features and functionalities of these systems, including hybrid applications with Spark and the DIY approach, is crucial. It also tests the ability of a Cisco Collaboration Engineer to design, size, and deploy unified communications on Cisco UCS.
  • Module 2: BIOS and Integrated Management Controller Setup: It covers network setup, BIOS parameters, and IMC functionalities. As a Cisco Collaboration Engineer, demonstrating expertise in these setups is vital for ensuring proper system initialization and management, which impacts overall system performance and stability in your role.
  • Module 3: Introduction and Setup of VMware ESXi: Here, the Cisco Collaboration Servers and Appliances exam tests the understanding of Cisco Collaboration Engineer about VMware ESXi 5.0, including its setup, virtual machine creation, and related networking and storage configurations. This topic is crucial for Cisco Collaboration Engineers to effectively virtualize applications and manage VMware environments.
  • Module 4: Deploying Virtualized Applications: This 500-325 exam topic focuses on virtualizing unified communications applications and migrating to virtualized deployments. It evaluates your skills in implementing and managing virtualized solutions, which is essential for optimizing and scaling Cisco collaboration systems. Mastery of this area demonstrates your capability to handle virtualized environments effectively, a key requirement for Cisco Collaboration Engineers.


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Q1. Which purpose of strictly controlling access to different vCenter Server components is true?

A.cost reduction

B. usability

C. increased security

D. bandwidth control

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which setting decides on the memory allocations for each thread executed by the HPC applications?

A.CPU Performance

B. Energy Performance

C. Non-Uniform Memory Access

D. HPC Mode Access

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which purpose of strictly controlling access to different vCenter Server components is true?

A.cost reduction

B. usability

C. increased security

D. bandwidth control

Correct Answer: C

Q4. For which type of deployment is the Cisco VN-Link recommended?

A.those using remote network and N AS storage

B. those using remote network and SAN storage

C. those using local network and NAS storage

D. those using local network and DAS storage

Correct Answer: C

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