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Cisco 500-240 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers
Exam Code: 500-240 CMBFE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of 500-240 practice questions in our database:
Expected 500-240 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Mobile Backhaul Legacy Interoperability: This topic assesses the understanding of field engineer about integrating and ensuring compatibility between legacy systems and modern mobile backhaul environments. It measures the skills required to seamlessly transition and maintain interoperability within complex mobile backhaul networks.
  • Module 2: MBH End-to-End Communication Basics, Implementing Unified MPLS for IP MBH Communication – Clock and Timing: This 500-240 exam topic evaluates the knowledge of Cisco field engineers about fundamental communication principles in mobile backhaul systems. It also measures the ability to implement MPLS for effective IP communication and ensure accurate timing and synchronization across the network.
  • Module 3: Examining MBH Architecture and Transport Architectures, Migration Strategies for MBH, Foundational Principles of Radio Frequency: This topic of the Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers exam assesses your in-depth understanding of mobile backhaul architectures, transport strategies, and migration techniques. It also measures the knowledge of essential radio frequency principles that underpin mobile backhaul systems.
  • Module 4: Implementing Traffic Management: It focuses on managing and optimizing traffic within mobile backhaul networks. This topic measures the ability of Cisco field engineers to implement effective traffic management strategies to ensure efficient utilization of network resources.
  • Module 5: Configuring Core Layer Devices, Aggregation Layer Devices, Cisco RAN Access Layer Devices, Advanced Features: The topic explains how to configure and manage various Cisco devices used in mobile backhaul networks, including core layer, aggregation layer, and RAN access layer devices. The 500-240 exam also measures the ability to implement advanced features for enhanced performance and reliability.
  • Module 6: Cisco UMMT Service and Control Architectures: The Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers exam evaluates the understanding of Cisco Unified Mobile Management Technology (UMMT) and its associated service and control architectures.
  • Module 7: Cisco ASR Devices for MBH: It gives Cisco field engineers knowledge of Cisco ASR devices specifically designed for mobile backhaul applications. The topic also focuses on configuring, managing, and troubleshooting these devices within the context of mobile backhaul networks.


Exam Name: Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers
Exam Code: 500-240 CMBFE
Related Certification(s): Cisco Channel Partner Program Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of 500-240 practice questions in our database:
Expected 500-240 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Mobile Backhaul Legacy Interoperability: This topic assesses the understanding of field engineer about integrating and ensuring compatibility between legacy systems and modern mobile backhaul environments. It measures the skills required to seamlessly transition and maintain interoperability within complex mobile backhaul networks.
  • Module 2: MBH End-to-End Communication Basics, Implementing Unified MPLS for IP MBH Communication – Clock and Timing: This 500-240 exam topic evaluates the knowledge of Cisco field engineers about fundamental communication principles in mobile backhaul systems. It also measures the ability to implement MPLS for effective IP communication and ensure accurate timing and synchronization across the network.
  • Module 3: Examining MBH Architecture and Transport Architectures, Migration Strategies for MBH, Foundational Principles of Radio Frequency: This topic of the Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers exam assesses your in-depth understanding of mobile backhaul architectures, transport strategies, and migration techniques. It also measures the knowledge of essential radio frequency principles that underpin mobile backhaul systems.
  • Module 4: Implementing Traffic Management: It focuses on managing and optimizing traffic within mobile backhaul networks. This topic measures the ability of Cisco field engineers to implement effective traffic management strategies to ensure efficient utilization of network resources.
  • Module 5: Configuring Core Layer Devices, Aggregation Layer Devices, Cisco RAN Access Layer Devices, Advanced Features: The topic explains how to configure and manage various Cisco devices used in mobile backhaul networks, including core layer, aggregation layer, and RAN access layer devices. The 500-240 exam also measures the ability to implement advanced features for enhanced performance and reliability.
  • Module 6: Cisco UMMT Service and Control Architectures: The Cisco Mobile Backhaul for Field Engineers exam evaluates the understanding of Cisco Unified Mobile Management Technology (UMMT) and its associated service and control architectures.
  • Module 7: Cisco ASR Devices for MBH: It gives Cisco field engineers knowledge of Cisco ASR devices specifically designed for mobile backhaul applications. The topic also focuses on configuring, managing, and troubleshooting these devices within the context of mobile backhaul networks.


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Q1. Which technology adopts a strategy in which the core, aggregation, and access networks are partitioned into separate MPLS/IP domains that are isolated at the IGP level but are still integrated through BGP labeled-unicast for the forwarding of unicast traffic?

A.Unified MPLS




Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which three clock types can an ASR920 router be configured as? (Choose three.)

A.Boundary clock

B. Clock

C. Ordinary clock

D. Regular clock

E. Transparent clock

F. Ordinary, Regular

Correct Answer: A, C, D

Q3. What does virtualization of the core route reflectors do?

A.limit the availabiltty

B. does not enhance resiliency

C. enhance resiliency or availability

D. adds complexity

Correct Answer: D

Q4. If a router receives routes from a route reflector, packets destined to the learned prefixes by default must go through what path?

A.To the next BGP hop

B. To the BGP neighbor

C. The Route Reflextor

D. To the Next IGP hop

Correct Answer: B

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