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Cisco 500-220 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Engineering Cisco Meraki Solutions
Exam Code: 500-220 ECMS
Related Certification(s): Cisco Meraki Solutions Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-220 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-220 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Cisco Meraki Cloud Management: Explain Cisco Meraki cloud architecture: This topic covers how to explain access methods to dashboards and devices as well as organizational structure, segmentation, and permissions.
  • Module 2: Design: This section of the exam covers designing scalable Meraki Auto VPN architectures, deployment consideration for the vMX, designing dynamic path selection policies, designing stable, secure, and scalable routing deployments, designing Enterprise network services, redundant networks, and high availability, and QOS strategy for voice and video.
  • Module 3: Implementation: This section of the exam covers essential topics such as SVI, dynamic routing and static routes, auto VPN, 3.1c traffic shaping and SD-WAN, threat protection and content filtering rules, and access policies and 802.1x.
  • Module 4: Monitoring and Troubleshooting: This exam topic deals with troubleshooting enterprise networks and Layer 2 technologies using Dashboard.


Exam Name: Engineering Cisco Meraki Solutions
Exam Code: 500-220 ECMS
Related Certification(s): Cisco Meraki Solutions Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 500-220 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 500-220 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Cisco Meraki Cloud Management: Explain Cisco Meraki cloud architecture: This topic covers how to explain access methods to dashboards and devices as well as organizational structure, segmentation, and permissions.
  • Module 2: Design: This section of the exam covers designing scalable Meraki Auto VPN architectures, deployment consideration for the vMX, designing dynamic path selection policies, designing stable, secure, and scalable routing deployments, designing Enterprise network services, redundant networks, and high availability, and QOS strategy for voice and video.
  • Module 3: Implementation: This section of the exam covers essential topics such as SVI, dynamic routing and static routes, auto VPN, 3.1c traffic shaping and SD-WAN, threat protection and content filtering rules, and access policies and 802.1x.
  • Module 4: Monitoring and Troubleshooting: This exam topic deals with troubleshooting enterprise networks and Layer 2 technologies using Dashboard.


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Q1. Which API endpoint clones a new Organization?

A.POST /organizations/clone/{organizationId}

B. PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/clone

C. POST /organizations/{organizationId}/new

D. POST /organizations/{organizationId}/clone

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What are two roles of the network and device tags in a Dashboard? (Choose two.)

A.Tags enable administrators to configure a combination of network and device specific tags to create summary reports filtered for specific devices across multiple networks.

B. Network tags can be used to assign networks to separate Auto VPN domains in an Organization with many networks.

C. Network tags can be used to simplify the assignment of network-level permissions in an Organization with many networks.

D. Device tags can be used to simplify the assignment of device-level permissions in an Organization with many administrators.

E. Device tags can be assigned to MR APs to influence the gateway selection for repeaters in a mesh wireless network.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q3. Which configuration step is necessary when automatic updating is required of iOS apps provisioned through Systems Manager that are found in the App Store?

A.No configuration step is necessary; automatic updating is the default behavior.

B. Configure automatic updating of iOS devices in the Meraki installed profile.

C. Create a security policy that enables automatic updates.

D. Create a profile with automatic update enabled and apply it to iOS devices.

Correct Answer: A

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