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Cisco 400-007 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE v3.0
Exam Code: 400-007
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 400-007 practice questions in our database:
Expected 400-007 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Software-defined architecture and controller-based solution design/ Control, data, management plane and operational design
  • Module 2: Regulatory compliance (if provided the regulation)/ Network security design and integration
  • Module 3: Operational constraints and requirements/ Migration and transformation/ Technical constraints and requirements
  • Module 4: Solutions based on business continuity and operational sustainability/ Data, control, and management plane technologies
  • Module 5: Data governance (for instance sovereignty, ownership, and locale)/ Business Strategy Design
  • Module 6: Impact on network design, implementation, and optimization using various customer project management methodologies
  • Module 7: Centralized, decentralized, or hybrid control plane/ Cloud connectivity (for instance direct connect, cloud on ramp, MPLS direct connect, and WAN integration)
  • Module 8: End-to-end IP traffic flow in a feature-rich network/ Resilient, scalable, and secure modular networks, covering both traditional and software-defined architectures, considering
  • Module 9: Application behavior and needs/ Network access control/ Business requirements/ SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS/ Implementation plans


Exam Name: Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE v3.0
Exam Code: 400-007
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 400-007 practice questions in our database:
Expected 400-007 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Software-defined architecture and controller-based solution design/ Control, data, management plane and operational design
  • Module 2: Regulatory compliance (if provided the regulation)/ Network security design and integration
  • Module 3: Operational constraints and requirements/ Migration and transformation/ Technical constraints and requirements
  • Module 4: Solutions based on business continuity and operational sustainability/ Data, control, and management plane technologies
  • Module 5: Data governance (for instance sovereignty, ownership, and locale)/ Business Strategy Design
  • Module 6: Impact on network design, implementation, and optimization using various customer project management methodologies
  • Module 7: Centralized, decentralized, or hybrid control plane/ Cloud connectivity (for instance direct connect, cloud on ramp, MPLS direct connect, and WAN integration)
  • Module 8: End-to-end IP traffic flow in a feature-rich network/ Resilient, scalable, and secure modular networks, covering both traditional and software-defined architectures, considering
  • Module 9: Application behavior and needs/ Network access control/ Business requirements/ SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS/ Implementation plans


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Q1. Which two descriptions of CWDM are true? (Choose two)

A.typically used over long distances, but requires optical amplification

B. uses the 850nm band

C. allows up to 32 optical earners to be multiplexed onto a single fiber

D. shares the same transmission window as DWDM

E. Passive CWDM devices require no electrical power

Correct Answer: D, E

Q2. Which MPLS TE design consideration is true?

A.MPLS TE replaces LDP and the dependency of the IGP to identify the best path.

B. MPLS TE provides link and node protection

C. MPLS TE optimizes the routing of IP traffic, given the constraints imposed by backbone capacity and application requirements.

D. MPLS TE requires Layer 3 VPN full-mesh topology deployment

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which design benefit of PortF ast is true?

A.PortFast does not generate a spanning tree topology change hen a station on a port is connected or disconnected

B. PortFast disables spanning tree on the port, which puts the port into the forwarding state immediately after it is connected

C. PortFast allows small, unmanaged switches to be plugged into ports of access switches without risking switch loops

D. PortFast detects one-way communications on the physical port, which prevents switch loops

E. PortFast prevents switch loops that are caused by a unidirectional point to point link condition on Rapid PVST+ and MST

F. PortFast prevents switched traffic from traversing suboptimal paths on the network

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Network changes because of mergers, acquisitions, and divestment can be very disruptive to the network if not carried out carefully. When an organization sells parts of its business, it must detach the affected parts of the network from the rest of the network. Which network design approach is appropriate to minimize the impact and risks as the divested parts of the network are detached?

A.redundant design

B. modular design

C. less complex design

D. routed access design

Correct Answer: B

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