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Cisco 352-011 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco Certified Design Expert Practical
Exam Code: 352-011
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 352-011 practice questions in our database:


Exam Name: Cisco Certified Design Expert Practical
Exam Code: 352-011
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified Design Expert CCDE Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 352-011 practice questions in our database:


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Q1. Which two impacts of adding the Ip events dampening feature to a network design are true? (Choose two.)

A.It switches traffic immediately after a link failure.

B. It reduce the utilization of system processing resources.

C. It speeds up link failure detection.

D. It protects against routing loops.

E. it improves overall network stability.

Correct Answer: B, E

Q2. Which two statements about VXLAN are true? (Choose two)

A.VXLAN is a Cisco proprietary solution

B. VXLAN is an encapsulation method used to create a Layer 3 overlay network

C. VXLAN can be used to enforce Layer 2 isolation in a multitenant infrastructure

D. VXLAN uses the Spanning Tree protocol for loop prevention

E. VXLAN overcomes the 802.1Q virtual LAN address space limitation

Correct Answer: B, E

Q3. A new video multicast application is deployed in the network. The application team wants to use the multicast group to stream the video to users. They want to know if this choice will impact the existing multicast design. What impact will their choice have on the existing multicast design?

A.Because is a private multicast range, a flood of PIM packets that have to be processed by the CPU and hosts will be sent by the routers in the network.

B. Because is a private multicast range, the rendezvous point has to send out constant group updates that will have to be processed by the CPU and hosts.

C. The multicast application sends too many packets into the network and the network infrastructure drops packets.

D. The group address maps to a system MAC address, and all multicast traffic will have to be sent to the CPU and flooded out all ports.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. VPLS is implemented in a Layer 2 network with 2000 VLANs. Which must be the primary concern to ensure successful deployment of VPLS?

A.The underlying transport mechanism

B. PE scalability

C. Flooding is necessary to propagate MAC address reachability information

D. VLAN scalability [ I think B not 100% sure]

Correct Answer: C

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