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Cisco 350-401 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies
Exam Code: 350-401 ENCOR
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Enterprise Infrastructure CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Wireless CCIE Wireless Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 350-401 practice questions in our database: 188 (updated: Jan. 27, 2025)
Expected 350-401 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Architecture: It explains various design principles used in an enterprise network, Cisco SD-WAN solution’s working principles, and working principles of the Cisco SD-Access solution. The topic also describes wireless network design principles. Lastly, the topic discusses interpreting wired and wireless QoS configurations and describing hardware and software switching mechanisms including CEF, CAM, TCAM, FIB, RIB, and adjacency tables.
  • Module 2: Virtualization: In this topic questions about describing device virtualization technologies and network virtualization concepts appear. Moreover, it discusses configuring and verifying and verifying data path virtualization technologies.
  • Module 3: Infrastructure: The topic focuses on Layers including Layer 2 and Layer 3. It also delves into wireless and IP services.
  • Module 4: Network Assurance: The topic network assurance discusses diagnosing network problems, configuring and verifying Flexible NetFlow, SPAN/RSPAN/ERSPAN, and IPSLA. Lastly, it discusses Cisco DNA Center workflows.
  • Module 5: Security: In this topic, discussion about interpreting basic Python components and scripts and constructing valid JSON-encoded files. It also describes APIs for Cisco DNA Center and vManage and REST API response codes and results in payload using Cisco DNA Center and RESTCONF. Moreover, it delves into constructing an EEM applet and comparing agent vs. agentless orchestration tools.
  • Module 6: Automation: Interpretation of basic Python components and scripts is discussed in the topic. It also covers sub-topics of describing the high-level principles and APIs for Cisco DNA Center and Manage. Lastly, the topic focuses on REST API response codes, EEM applet, and agent vs. agentless orchestration tools.


Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies
Exam Code: 350-401 ENCOR
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Enterprise Infrastructure CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Wireless CCIE Wireless Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 350-401 practice questions in our database: 188 (updated: Jan. 27, 2025)
Expected 350-401 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Architecture: It explains various design principles used in an enterprise network, Cisco SD-WAN solution’s working principles, and working principles of the Cisco SD-Access solution. The topic also describes wireless network design principles. Lastly, the topic discusses interpreting wired and wireless QoS configurations and describing hardware and software switching mechanisms including CEF, CAM, TCAM, FIB, RIB, and adjacency tables.
  • Module 2: Virtualization: In this topic questions about describing device virtualization technologies and network virtualization concepts appear. Moreover, it discusses configuring and verifying and verifying data path virtualization technologies.
  • Module 3: Infrastructure: The topic focuses on Layers including Layer 2 and Layer 3. It also delves into wireless and IP services.
  • Module 4: Network Assurance: The topic network assurance discusses diagnosing network problems, configuring and verifying Flexible NetFlow, SPAN/RSPAN/ERSPAN, and IPSLA. Lastly, it discusses Cisco DNA Center workflows.
  • Module 5: Security: In this topic, discussion about interpreting basic Python components and scripts and constructing valid JSON-encoded files. It also describes APIs for Cisco DNA Center and vManage and REST API response codes and results in payload using Cisco DNA Center and RESTCONF. Moreover, it delves into constructing an EEM applet and comparing agent vs. agentless orchestration tools.
  • Module 6: Automation: Interpretation of basic Python components and scripts is discussed in the topic. It also covers sub-topics of describing the high-level principles and APIs for Cisco DNA Center and Manage. Lastly, the topic focuses on REST API response codes, EEM applet, and agent vs. agentless orchestration tools.


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