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Cisco 350-201 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Performing CyberOps Using Core Security Technologies
Exam Code: 350-201 CBRCOR
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 350-201 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 350-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Interpret the sequence of events during an attack based on analysis of traffic patterns/ Interpret the components within a playbook
  • Module 2: Compare security operations considerations of cloud platforms/ Determine the tools needed based on a playbook scenario
  • Module 3: Describe the concepts and limitations of cyber risk insurance/ Describe the use of hardening machine images for deployment
  • Module 4: Determine resources for industry standards and recommendations for hardening of systems/ Utilize network controls for network hardening
  • Module 5: Describe use and concepts of tools for security data analytics/ Describe the concepts of security data management
  • Module 6: Infer the industry for various compliance standards/ Evaluate the parts of an HTTP response
  • Module 7: Apply the playbook for a common scenario/ Describe characteristics and areas of improvement using common incident response metrics
  • Module 8: Describe the process of evaluating the security posture of an asset/ Determine patching recommendations, given a scenario
  • Module 9: Describe the different mechanisms to detect and enforce data loss prevention techniques/ Evaluate artifacts and streams in a packet capture file
  • Module 10: Determine the next action based on user behavior alerts/ Determine the steps to investigate the common types of cases
  • Module 11: Modify a provided script to automate a security operations task/ Determine opportunities for automation and orchestration


Exam Name: Performing CyberOps Using Core Security Technologies
Exam Code: 350-201 CBRCOR
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 350-201 practice questions in our database: 

Expected 350-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Interpret the sequence of events during an attack based on analysis of traffic patterns/ Interpret the components within a playbook
  • Module 2: Compare security operations considerations of cloud platforms/ Determine the tools needed based on a playbook scenario
  • Module 3: Describe the concepts and limitations of cyber risk insurance/ Describe the use of hardening machine images for deployment
  • Module 4: Determine resources for industry standards and recommendations for hardening of systems/ Utilize network controls for network hardening
  • Module 5: Describe use and concepts of tools for security data analytics/ Describe the concepts of security data management
  • Module 6: Infer the industry for various compliance standards/ Evaluate the parts of an HTTP response
  • Module 7: Apply the playbook for a common scenario/ Describe characteristics and areas of improvement using common incident response metrics
  • Module 8: Describe the process of evaluating the security posture of an asset/ Determine patching recommendations, given a scenario
  • Module 9: Describe the different mechanisms to detect and enforce data loss prevention techniques/ Evaluate artifacts and streams in a packet capture file
  • Module 10: Determine the next action based on user behavior alerts/ Determine the steps to investigate the common types of cases
  • Module 11: Modify a provided script to automate a security operations task/ Determine opportunities for automation and orchestration


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Q1. Which bash command will print all lines from the ''colors.txt'' file containing the non case-sensitive pattern ''Yellow''?

A.grep -i ''yellow'' colors.txt

B. locate ''yellow'' colors.txt

C. locate -i ''Yellow'' colors.txt

D. grep ''Yellow'' colors.txt

Correct Answer: A

Q2. A security incident affected an organization's critical business services, and the customer-side web API became unresponsive and crashed. An investigation revealed a spike of API call requests and a high number of inactive sessions during the incident. Which two recommendations should the engineers make to prevent similar incidents in the future? (Choose two.)

A.Configure shorter timeout periods.

B. Determine API rate-limiting requirements.

C. Implement API key maintenance.

D. Automate server-side error reporting for customers.

E. Decrease simultaneous API responses.

Correct Answer: B, D

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