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Cisco 300-920 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices
Exam Code: 300-920 DEVWBX

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified DevNet Professional Certifications
  • Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-920 practice questions in our database: 60

Expected 300-920 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Construct The Javascript To Send Requests To Multiple Devices For A Given Scenario/ Describe The Oauth Token Management Lifecycle
  • Module 2: Construct The Javascript To Call And Send Messages With The Browser SDK And Guest Issuer/ Describe The Capabilities Of The Webex Meeting Apis
  • Module 3: Construct The Javascript To Administer A Webex Organization/ Construct A Javascript Request Using Promises With A Webex Javascript SDK
  • Module 4: Construct Javascript To Collect Compliance Data/ Construct A Script Using ‘Jsxapi’ To Address A Scenario
  • Module 5: Describe The Mechanisms To Receive Incoming Call Notifications For IOS And Android Sdks/ Construct The Javascript To Call And Screen Share With The Browser SDK
  • Module 6: Identify The Requirements, Steps, And Permissions Needed To Take A Compliance Action On A Message Or Space/ Construct The Javascript To Schedule A Meeting
  • Module 7: Diagnose The Process Of Managing Webhooks Including Resource And Event Filters/ Identify The Authentication Methods For Webex Teams, Devices, And Meetings
  • Module 8: Identify Whether To Use A Bot Or An Integration In A Given Scenario/ Construct HTTP Requests With The XML API To Manage Users
  • Module 9: Construct A Javascript Application That Uses Cards/ Interpret A REST API Response That Includes Pagination And Filtering
  • Module 10: Construct A Javascript Application To Send A Message And To Retrieve The Content Of An Incoming Message/ Describe The Mechanisms To Send And Receive Data
  • Module 11: Describe The Limitations And Capabilities Of Bots/ Construct The Javascript To List And Download A Recording Of A Meeting
  • Module 12: Compare The Capabilities And Use Of Xapi Over SSH, REST Apis, And Websockets/ Construct A Custom User Interaction (Including In-Room Controls) Construct REST API Requests Using JSON And HTTP For A Given Scenario (Managing Spaces, Teams, And Memberships)
  • Module 13: Describe The Process To Get Access To Webex Apis For A Given Scenario (Including Getting The Necessary Users Roles From A Webex Administrator) Troubleshoot Error Codes For REST API Responses (Including Rate Limiting, Access, And Authentication)


Exam Name: Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices
Exam Code: 300-920 DEVWBX

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified DevNet Professional Certifications
  • Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-920 practice questions in our database: 60

Expected 300-920 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Construct The Javascript To Send Requests To Multiple Devices For A Given Scenario/ Describe The Oauth Token Management Lifecycle
  • Module 2: Construct The Javascript To Call And Send Messages With The Browser SDK And Guest Issuer/ Describe The Capabilities Of The Webex Meeting Apis
  • Module 3: Construct The Javascript To Administer A Webex Organization/ Construct A Javascript Request Using Promises With A Webex Javascript SDK
  • Module 4: Construct Javascript To Collect Compliance Data/ Construct A Script Using ‘Jsxapi’ To Address A Scenario
  • Module 5: Describe The Mechanisms To Receive Incoming Call Notifications For IOS And Android Sdks/ Construct The Javascript To Call And Screen Share With The Browser SDK
  • Module 6: Identify The Requirements, Steps, And Permissions Needed To Take A Compliance Action On A Message Or Space/ Construct The Javascript To Schedule A Meeting
  • Module 7: Diagnose The Process Of Managing Webhooks Including Resource And Event Filters/ Identify The Authentication Methods For Webex Teams, Devices, And Meetings
  • Module 8: Identify Whether To Use A Bot Or An Integration In A Given Scenario/ Construct HTTP Requests With The XML API To Manage Users
  • Module 9: Construct A Javascript Application That Uses Cards/ Interpret A REST API Response That Includes Pagination And Filtering
  • Module 10: Construct A Javascript Application To Send A Message And To Retrieve The Content Of An Incoming Message/ Describe The Mechanisms To Send And Receive Data
  • Module 11: Describe The Limitations And Capabilities Of Bots/ Construct The Javascript To List And Download A Recording Of A Meeting
  • Module 12: Compare The Capabilities And Use Of Xapi Over SSH, REST Apis, And Websockets/ Construct A Custom User Interaction (Including In-Room Controls) Construct REST API Requests Using JSON And HTTP For A Given Scenario (Managing Spaces, Teams, And Memberships)
  • Module 13: Describe The Process To Get Access To Webex Apis For A Given Scenario (Including Getting The Necessary Users Roles From A Webex Administrator) Troubleshoot Error Codes For REST API Responses (Including Rate Limiting, Access, And Authentication)


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Q1. Which two statements are true when comparing the SSH, HTTP, and WebSocket interfaces of a Cisco Collaboration device? (Choose two.)

A.The SSH interface supports XML payloads only.

B. The SSH, HTTP, and WebSocket interfaces support JSON and XML payloads.

C. The HTTP interface supports JSON and XML payloads.

D. Communications can be encrypted for all SSH, HTTP, and WebSocket interfaces.

E. The WebSocket interface supports JSON payloads only.

Correct Answer: B, D

Q2. Which two statements about incoming WebEx call notifications on iOS and Android applications are true? (Choose two.)

A.When running in the background on Android, Firebase Cloud Messaging must use a notification message.

B. When running in the background on Android, Firebase Cloud Messaging must use a data message.

C. Webhooks are required with the iOS SDK only when the application is in the background.

D. When running in the background on iOS, Application Push Notifications must be configured to be silent.

E. Webhooks are required in the foreground and background for iOS and Android applications.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q3. Which list of API calls must be made to provision 50 new Webex Room devices for an organization?

A.POST to /places with 'displayName', POST the returned 'placeId' to /devices/

B. POST 'displayName' to /places, POST the returned 'placeId' to /devices/activationCode

C. POST to /licenses, POST the returned 'licneseId' and a specified 'displayName' to /devices

D. POST to /licenses, POST 'displayName' to /places, POST 'licensed' and placeId' to /devices

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which two statements describe valid limitations for Webex Teams bot accounts in a group space? (Choose two.)

A.A bot account cannot send a message without an SSL certificate.

B. A bot account cannot hear a message unless the bot is @ mentioned.

C. A bot account cannot send a message without a valid access token.

D. A bot account cannot respond to another bot.

E. A bot account cannot send a message with an @mention.

Correct Answer: B, C

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