Related Certification(s):
- Cisco Certified DevNet Professional Certifications
- Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist Certifications
Expected 300-920 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :
- Module 1: Construct The Javascript To Send Requests To Multiple Devices For A Given Scenario/ Describe The Oauth Token Management Lifecycle
- Module 2: Construct The Javascript To Call And Send Messages With The Browser SDK And Guest Issuer/ Describe The Capabilities Of The Webex Meeting Apis
- Module 3: Construct The Javascript To Administer A Webex Organization/ Construct A Javascript Request Using Promises With A Webex Javascript SDK
- Module 4: Construct Javascript To Collect Compliance Data/ Construct A Script Using ‘Jsxapi’ To Address A Scenario
- Module 5: Describe The Mechanisms To Receive Incoming Call Notifications For IOS And Android Sdks/ Construct The Javascript To Call And Screen Share With The Browser SDK
- Module 6: Identify The Requirements, Steps, And Permissions Needed To Take A Compliance Action On A Message Or Space/ Construct The Javascript To Schedule A Meeting
- Module 7: Diagnose The Process Of Managing Webhooks Including Resource And Event Filters/ Identify The Authentication Methods For Webex Teams, Devices, And Meetings
- Module 8: Identify Whether To Use A Bot Or An Integration In A Given Scenario/ Construct HTTP Requests With The XML API To Manage Users
- Module 9: Construct A Javascript Application That Uses Cards/ Interpret A REST API Response That Includes Pagination And Filtering
- Module 10: Construct A Javascript Application To Send A Message And To Retrieve The Content Of An Incoming Message/ Describe The Mechanisms To Send And Receive Data
- Module 11: Describe The Limitations And Capabilities Of Bots/ Construct The Javascript To List And Download A Recording Of A Meeting
- Module 12: Compare The Capabilities And Use Of Xapi Over SSH, REST Apis, And Websockets/ Construct A Custom User Interaction (Including In-Room Controls) Construct REST API Requests Using JSON And HTTP For A Given Scenario (Managing Spaces, Teams, And Memberships)
- Module 13: Describe The Process To Get Access To Webex Apis For A Given Scenario (Including Getting The Necessary Users Roles From A Webex Administrator) Troubleshoot Error Codes For REST API Responses (Including Rate Limiting, Access, And Authentication)
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