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Cisco 300-515 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Solutions
Exam Code: 300-515 SPVI

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Service Provider CCNP Service Provider Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-515 practice questions in our database: 71

Expected 300-515 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe The L3VPN Data Plane Operation/ Compare VPN Architecture
  • Module 2: Describe The L3VPN Control Plane Operation/ PE-CE Route Advertisement
  • Module 3: Describe Layer 2 Service Architecture/ IOS XE Ethernet Virtual Circuits
  • Module 4: VRF Forwarding Instance/ IOS XR Ethernet Flowpoints/ VRF Routing Instance
  • Module 5: Implement Ethernet Operations, Administration, And Maintenance (E-OAM)/ Troubleshoot Underlay, Route Distinguisher
  • Module 6: Data Plane And Control Plane Operation/ Describe EVPN Concepts/ Troubleshoot L2VPN Services
  • Module 7: Traffic Forwarding Operation/ Multihoming Mechanisms, Suppression Mechanisms
  • Module 8: Implement Extranet/Shared Services/ Describe Inter-AS L3vpns/ PE-CE Routing Protocol
  • Module 9: Import And Export Route Targets/ Troubleshoot Intra-AS L3vpns/ Describe Routing Requirements Implement Multicast VPN/ Describe CSC Concepts/ PE-CE Routing Protocol Troubleshoot Ipv6 VPN Provider Edge/ Describe Routing Requirements


Exam Name: Implementing Cisco Service Provider VPN Solutions
Exam Code: 300-515 SPVI

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Service Provider CCNP Service Provider Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-515 practice questions in our database: 71

Expected 300-515 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe The L3VPN Data Plane Operation/ Compare VPN Architecture
  • Module 2: Describe The L3VPN Control Plane Operation/ PE-CE Route Advertisement
  • Module 3: Describe Layer 2 Service Architecture/ IOS XE Ethernet Virtual Circuits
  • Module 4: VRF Forwarding Instance/ IOS XR Ethernet Flowpoints/ VRF Routing Instance
  • Module 5: Implement Ethernet Operations, Administration, And Maintenance (E-OAM)/ Troubleshoot Underlay, Route Distinguisher
  • Module 6: Data Plane And Control Plane Operation/ Describe EVPN Concepts/ Troubleshoot L2VPN Services
  • Module 7: Traffic Forwarding Operation/ Multihoming Mechanisms, Suppression Mechanisms
  • Module 8: Implement Extranet/Shared Services/ Describe Inter-AS L3vpns/ PE-CE Routing Protocol
  • Module 9: Import And Export Route Targets/ Troubleshoot Intra-AS L3vpns/ Describe Routing Requirements Implement Multicast VPN/ Describe CSC Concepts/ PE-CE Routing Protocol Troubleshoot Ipv6 VPN Provider Edge/ Describe Routing Requirements


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Q1. How does Layer 3 VPN traffic traverse an ISP network?

A.Devices on the network use MPLS labels to share VPN routes between P routers in the network.

B. Devices on the network use LSAs to share routes between P routers in the network.

C. Devices on the network use MPLS labels to move VPN traffic through the network.

D. Devices on the network use GRE tunnels to move traffic between VRFs.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What is a requirement to share VRF reachability information to all members of a VPN when using IPv6?

A.PE and CE routers must be running BGP as the PE-CE routing protocol

B. PE routers must have MPLS disabled and be running MP-BGP between all P and PE routers.

C. PE routers must be running MP-BGP and bgp default ipv4-unicast must be disabled

D. All PEs must have the same VRFs configured.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. An engineer noticed that PE3 is failing to accept IPv6 traffic information from PE1 The engineer confirmed that both PE3 and PE1 routers are configured accurately with IPv6 protocol To eliminate IPv6 traffic loss issue, which action must the engineer take to solve the problem?

A.Disable 6PVE that provides local IPv6 reachability over MPLS.

B. Configure 6PE that provides global IPv6 reachability over IPv4 MPLS

C. Allow PE routers use the MP-iBGP extensions in the IPv6 network configuration to exchange IPv6 reachability information.

D. Configure 6PE forwarding between 6PE routers based on the IPv6 header

Correct Answer: B

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