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Cisco 300-440 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity
Exam Code: 300-440 ENCC
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 300-440 practice questions in our database: 38 (updated: Feb. 01, 2025)
Expected 300-440 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Architecture Models: In this topic different aspects of connectivity to cloud providers are discussed. It focuses on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Moreover, the topic explains private connectivity to leading cloud providers and connectivity options for Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud providers.
  • Module 2: Design: Questions about cloud-native security policies for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud appear in this topic. It also recommends connectivity models that ensure high availability, resiliency, SLAs, and reliability. Furthermore, the topic delves into connectivity models based on network architecture requirements. The topic further discusses factors including bandwidth, QoS, dedicated vs shared connections and multi-homing.
  • Module 3: IPsec Cloud Connectivity: The configuration of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity is one of the focal points of this topic. Additionally, it delves into configuration of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity between an on-premises Cisco IOS XE router and native Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud endpoints. Lastly, the topic discusses configuration of routing on Cisco IOS XE routers.
  • Module 4: SD-WAN Cloud Connectivity: Questions about configuration of SD-WAN-based cloud connectivity using Cisco infrastructure appear in this topic. Furthermore, it discusses configuration of Cisco SD-WAN OnRamp, configuration for connecting to a SaaS cloud provider, and configuration of Cisco SD-WAN policies to address traffic.
  • Module 5: Operation: The topic delves into diagnosis of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity between an on-premises native Cloud endpoints and Cisco IOS XE router. It also explains the diagnosis of routing issues on Cisco IOS XE routers, and diagnosis of Cisco SD-WAN policy issues, focusing on all the traffic.


Exam Name: Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity
Exam Code: 300-440 ENCC
Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 300-440 practice questions in our database: 38 (updated: Feb. 01, 2025)
Expected 300-440 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Architecture Models: In this topic different aspects of connectivity to cloud providers are discussed. It focuses on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Moreover, the topic explains private connectivity to leading cloud providers and connectivity options for Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud providers.
  • Module 2: Design: Questions about cloud-native security policies for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud appear in this topic. It also recommends connectivity models that ensure high availability, resiliency, SLAs, and reliability. Furthermore, the topic delves into connectivity models based on network architecture requirements. The topic further discusses factors including bandwidth, QoS, dedicated vs shared connections and multi-homing.
  • Module 3: IPsec Cloud Connectivity: The configuration of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity is one of the focal points of this topic. Additionally, it delves into configuration of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity between an on-premises Cisco IOS XE router and native Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud endpoints. Lastly, the topic discusses configuration of routing on Cisco IOS XE routers.
  • Module 4: SD-WAN Cloud Connectivity: Questions about configuration of SD-WAN-based cloud connectivity using Cisco infrastructure appear in this topic. Furthermore, it discusses configuration of Cisco SD-WAN OnRamp, configuration for connecting to a SaaS cloud provider, and configuration of Cisco SD-WAN policies to address traffic.
  • Module 5: Operation: The topic delves into diagnosis of IPsec-based secure cloud connectivity between an on-premises native Cloud endpoints and Cisco IOS XE router. It also explains the diagnosis of routing issues on Cisco IOS XE routers, and diagnosis of Cisco SD-WAN policy issues, focusing on all the traffic.


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Q1. A company with multiple branch offices wants a suitable connectivity model to meet these network architecture requirements: * high availability * quality of service (QoS) * multihoming * specific routing needs Which connectivity model meets these requirements?

A.hub-and-spoke topology using MPLS with static routing and dedicated bandwidth for QoS

B. star topology with internet-based VPN connections and BGP for routing

C. hybrid topology that combines MPLS and SD-WAN

D. fully meshed topology with SD-WAN technology using dynamic routing and prioritized traffic for QoS

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A company with multiple branch offices wants a suitable connectivity model to meet these network architecture requirements: * high availability * quality of service (QoS) * multihoming * specific routing needs Which connectivity model meets these requirements?

A.hub-and-spoke topology using MPLS with static routing and dedicated bandwidth for QoS

B. star topology with internet-based VPN connections and BGP for routing

C. hybrid topology that combines MPLS and SD-WAN

D. fully meshed topology with SD-WAN technology using dynamic routing and prioritized traffic for QoS

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A company has multiple branch offices across different geographic locations and a centralized data center. The company plans to migrate Its critical business applications to the public cloud infrastructure that is hosted in Microsoft Azure. The company requires high availability, redundancy, and low latency for its business applications. Which connectivity model meets these requirements?

A.ExpressRoute with private peering using SDCI

B. hybrid connectivity with SD-WAN

C. AWS Direct Connect with dedicated connections

D. site-to-site VPN with Azure VPN gateway

Correct Answer: A

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