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Cisco 300-415 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions
Exam Code: 300-415 ENSDWI

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-415 practice questions in our database: 381

Expected 300-415 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module  1: Troubleshoot control-plane connectivity between controllers/ Describe controller cloud deployment
  • Module 2: Describe monitoring and reporting from vManage/ Orchestration plane (vBond, NAT)
  • Module 3: Describe software upgrade from vManage/ Describe Cisco SD-WAN Architecture and Components
  • Module 4: Configure and verify monitoring and reporting/ Describe REST API monitoring
  • Module 5: Configure and verify QoS treatment on WAN edge routers/ Hosting platform (KVM/Hypervisor)
  • Module 6: Configure and verify direct Internet access/ Scalability and redundancy/ Management plane (vManage)
  • Module 7: Configure and verify SD-WAN application-aware routing/ Orchestration with zero-touch provisioning/plug-and-play
  • Module 8: Configure and verify service insertion/ Describe WAN Edge platform types, capabilities (vEdges, cEdges)
  • Module 9: Configure and verify CLI and vManage feature configuration templates/ Describe Controller on-Prem Deployment
  • Module 10: Describe application-aware firewall/ Circuit termination/TLOC-extension
  • Module 11: Configure and verify SD-WAN data plane/ Configure and verify control policies
  • Module 12: Configure and verify end-to-end segmentation/ Describe WAN Edge deployment
  • Module 13: Configure and verify certificates and whitelisting/ Configure and verify data policies
  • Module 14: Configure and verify OMP/ Configure and verify TLOCs/ Security and Quality of Service Underlay-overlay connectivity/ Control plane (vSmart, OMP)


Exam Name: Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions
Exam Code: 300-415 ENSDWI

Related Certification(s):

  • Cisco Certified Network Professional CCNP Certifications
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional Enterprise CCNP Enterprise Certifications
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 300-415 practice questions in our database: 381

Expected 300-415 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module  1: Troubleshoot control-plane connectivity between controllers/ Describe controller cloud deployment
  • Module 2: Describe monitoring and reporting from vManage/ Orchestration plane (vBond, NAT)
  • Module 3: Describe software upgrade from vManage/ Describe Cisco SD-WAN Architecture and Components
  • Module 4: Configure and verify monitoring and reporting/ Describe REST API monitoring
  • Module 5: Configure and verify QoS treatment on WAN edge routers/ Hosting platform (KVM/Hypervisor)
  • Module 6: Configure and verify direct Internet access/ Scalability and redundancy/ Management plane (vManage)
  • Module 7: Configure and verify SD-WAN application-aware routing/ Orchestration with zero-touch provisioning/plug-and-play
  • Module 8: Configure and verify service insertion/ Describe WAN Edge platform types, capabilities (vEdges, cEdges)
  • Module 9: Configure and verify CLI and vManage feature configuration templates/ Describe Controller on-Prem Deployment
  • Module 10: Describe application-aware firewall/ Circuit termination/TLOC-extension
  • Module 11: Configure and verify SD-WAN data plane/ Configure and verify control policies
  • Module 12: Configure and verify end-to-end segmentation/ Describe WAN Edge deployment
  • Module 13: Configure and verify certificates and whitelisting/ Configure and verify data policies
  • Module 14: Configure and verify OMP/ Configure and verify TLOCs/ Security and Quality of Service Underlay-overlay connectivity/ Control plane (vSmart, OMP)


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Q1. What is the advantage of instating the controller on-premises?

A.ease of deployment and management

B. full control of the data piano and the control plane

C. automatic geographical redundancy and security

D. scalability and a cost-saving

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which application list is preconfigured?


B. Cisco Apps

C. Microsoft_Office365

D. P2P_Apps

Correct Answer: C

Q3. What problem happens on a device with two serial numbers, a unique device identifier (UDI), and secure unique device identifier (SUDI) when an engineer provisions ISR 4000 by PnP using only a UDI?

A.It encounters spanning tree issues

B. It faces interface buffer overflow patterns

C. It encounters redirection problems.

D. It encounters memory overload problems

Correct Answer: D

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