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Cisco 300-215 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies
Exam Code: 300-215 CBRFIR
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 300-215 practice questions in our database:
Expected 300-215 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe capabilities of Cisco security solutions related to threat intelligence/ Recognize encoding and obfuscation techniques
  • Module 2: Recommend a response based on intelligence artifacts/ Analyze the components needed for a root cause analysis report
  • Module 3: Evaluate elements required in an incident response playbook/ Determine the type of code based on a provided snippet
  • Module 4: Recommend actions based on post-incident analysis/ Describe the issues related to gathering evidence from virtualized environments
  • Module 5: Evaluate the relevant components from the ThreatGrid report/ Recognize the methods identified in the MITRE attack framework to perform fileless malware analysis
  • Module 6: Describe the process of performing forensics analysis of infrastructure network devices/ Interpret binaries using objdump and other CLI tools
  • Module 7: Analyze threat intelligence provided in different formats/ Determine the files needed and their location on the host
  • Module 8: Determine attack vectors or attack surface and recommend mitigation in a given scenario/ Describe the goals of incident response
  • Module 9: Analyze logs from modern web applications and servers/ Determine data to correlate based on incident type
  • Module 10: Recommend a response to 0 day exploitations/ Evaluate artifacts from threat intelligence to determine the threat actor profile


Exam Name: Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies
Exam Code: 300-215 CBRFIR
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Number of 300-215 practice questions in our database:
Expected 300-215 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Describe capabilities of Cisco security solutions related to threat intelligence/ Recognize encoding and obfuscation techniques
  • Module 2: Recommend a response based on intelligence artifacts/ Analyze the components needed for a root cause analysis report
  • Module 3: Evaluate elements required in an incident response playbook/ Determine the type of code based on a provided snippet
  • Module 4: Recommend actions based on post-incident analysis/ Describe the issues related to gathering evidence from virtualized environments
  • Module 5: Evaluate the relevant components from the ThreatGrid report/ Recognize the methods identified in the MITRE attack framework to perform fileless malware analysis
  • Module 6: Describe the process of performing forensics analysis of infrastructure network devices/ Interpret binaries using objdump and other CLI tools
  • Module 7: Analyze threat intelligence provided in different formats/ Determine the files needed and their location on the host
  • Module 8: Determine attack vectors or attack surface and recommend mitigation in a given scenario/ Describe the goals of incident response
  • Module 9: Analyze logs from modern web applications and servers/ Determine data to correlate based on incident type
  • Module 10: Recommend a response to 0 day exploitations/ Evaluate artifacts from threat intelligence to determine the threat actor profile


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Q1. Which technique is used to evade detection from security products by executing arbitrary code in the address space of a separate live operation?

A.process injection

B. privilege escalation

C. GPO modification

D. token manipulation

Correct Answer: A

Q2. An organization recovered from a recent ransomware outbreak that resulted in significant business damage. Leadership requested a report that identifies the problems that triggered the incident and the security team's approach to address these problems to prevent a reoccurrence. Which components of the incident should an engineer analyze first for this report?

A.impact and flow

B. cause and effect

C. risk and RPN

D. motive and factors

Correct Answer: D

Q3. An ''unknown error code'' is appearing on an ESXi host during authentication. An engineer checks the authentication logs but is unable to identify the issue. Analysis of the vCenter agent logs shows no connectivity errors. What is the next log file the engineer should check to continue troubleshooting this error?


B. /var/log/vmksummary.log

C. var/log/shell.log

D. var/log/general/log

Correct Answer: A

Q4. A network host is infected with malware by an attacker who uses the host to make calls for files and shuttle traffic to bots. This attack went undetected and resulted in a significant loss. The organization wants to ensure this does not happen in the future and needs a security solution that will generate alerts when command and control communication from an infected device is detected. Which network security solution should be recommended?

A.Cisco Secure Firewall ASA

B. Cisco Secure Firewall Threat Defense (Firepower)

C. Cisco Secure Email Gateway (ESA)

D. Cisco Secure Web Appliance (WSA)

Correct Answer: B

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