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Cisco 200-201 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals
Exam Code: 200-201 CBROPS
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 200-201 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 200-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Security Concepts: This topic explains the CIA triad, security terms, and principles of the defense-in-depth strategy. The topic also compares security deployments, access control models, behavioral and statistical detection, and rule-based detection. Moreover, the topic also delves into sub-topics which point out the challenges of data visibility. Lastly, the topic focuses on identifying potential data loss from traffic profiles.
  • Module 2: Security Monitoring: It identifies the certificate components in a given scenario, describes the impact of certificates on security, and compares attack surface and vulnerability. The topic also focuses on the impact of technologies on data visibility, network attacks, web application attacks, endpoint-based attacks, evasion and obfuscation techniques.
  • Module 3: Host-Based Analysis: This topic explains the functionality of endpoint technologies and the role of attribution in an investigation. It also identifies different components of an operating system and types of evidence used based on provided logs. Explanation of the role of attribution in an investigation, tampered and untampered disk image, and interpretation of operating system, application, or command line logs are also available in this topic.
  • Module 4: Network Intrusion Analysis: Interpretation of basic regular expressions, common artifact elements, and fields in protocol headers is given in this topic. It also identifies key elements in an intrusion from a given PCAP file. Extraction of different files from a TCP stream is also discussed. The topic also compares the characteristics of data obtained from taps or traffic monitoring, and deep packet inspection. Lastly, the topic discusses mapping the events to source technologies.
  • Module 5: Security Policies and Procedures: It describes management concepts, different elements in an incident response plan, and the relationship of SOC metrics to scope analysis. The topic also identifies different elements for network profiling, server profiling, as well as identification of secured data in a network. Application of the incident handling process is also discussed. Lastly, the topic focuses on mapping the organization stakeholders against the NIST IR categories.


Exam Name: Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals
Exam Code: 200-201 CBROPS
Related Certification(s): Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Cisco
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of 200-201 practice questions in our database: 
Expected 200-201 Exam Topics, as suggested by Cisco :

  • Module 1: Security Concepts: This topic explains the CIA triad, security terms, and principles of the defense-in-depth strategy. The topic also compares security deployments, access control models, behavioral and statistical detection, and rule-based detection. Moreover, the topic also delves into sub-topics which point out the challenges of data visibility. Lastly, the topic focuses on identifying potential data loss from traffic profiles.
  • Module 2: Security Monitoring: It identifies the certificate components in a given scenario, describes the impact of certificates on security, and compares attack surface and vulnerability. The topic also focuses on the impact of technologies on data visibility, network attacks, web application attacks, endpoint-based attacks, evasion and obfuscation techniques.
  • Module 3: Host-Based Analysis: This topic explains the functionality of endpoint technologies and the role of attribution in an investigation. It also identifies different components of an operating system and types of evidence used based on provided logs. Explanation of the role of attribution in an investigation, tampered and untampered disk image, and interpretation of operating system, application, or command line logs are also available in this topic.
  • Module 4: Network Intrusion Analysis: Interpretation of basic regular expressions, common artifact elements, and fields in protocol headers is given in this topic. It also identifies key elements in an intrusion from a given PCAP file. Extraction of different files from a TCP stream is also discussed. The topic also compares the characteristics of data obtained from taps or traffic monitoring, and deep packet inspection. Lastly, the topic discusses mapping the events to source technologies.
  • Module 5: Security Policies and Procedures: It describes management concepts, different elements in an incident response plan, and the relationship of SOC metrics to scope analysis. The topic also identifies different elements for network profiling, server profiling, as well as identification of secured data in a network. Application of the incident handling process is also discussed. Lastly, the topic focuses on mapping the organization stakeholders against the NIST IR categories.


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Q1. What is a comparison between rule-based and statistical detection?

A.Statistical is based on measured data while rule-based uses the evaluated probability approach.

B. Rule-based Is based on assumptions and statistical uses data Known beforehand.

C. Rule-based uses data known beforehand and statistical is based on assumptions.

D. Statistical uses the probability approach while rule-based Is based on measured data.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. According to CVSS, what is attack complexity?

A.existing exploits available in the wild exploiting the vulnerability

B. existing circumstances beyond the attacker's control to exploit the vulnerability

C. number of actions an attacker should perform to exploit the vulnerability

D. number of patches available for certain attack mitigation and how complex the workarounds are

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is a comparison between rule-based and statistical detection?

A.Statistical is based on measured data while rule-based uses the evaluated probability approach.

B. Rule-based Is based on assumptions and statistical uses data Known beforehand.

C. Rule-based uses data known beforehand and statistical is based on assumptions.

D. Statistical uses the probability approach while rule-based Is based on measured data.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What is the dataflow set in the NetFlow flow-record format?

A.Dataflow set is a collection of HEX records.

B. Dataflow set provides basic information about the packet such as the NetFlow version

C. Dataflow set is a collection of binary patterns

D. Dataflow set is a collection of data records.

Correct Answer: D

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