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CIMAPRA19-E03-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: E3 Strategic Management
Exam Code: CIMAPRA19-E03-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA19-E03-1 practice questions in our database: 280
Expected CIMAPRA19-E03-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Discuss the impact of the ecosystem on organisational strategy/ Discuss the types and levels strategy
  • Module 2: Recommend change management techinques and methodologies/ Outline the strategy process
  • Module 3: Develop strategic performance management system/ Analysing the organisational ecosystem
  • Module 4: End of topic revision and question practice/ Discuss how to generate and devlop options
  • Module 5: Advise on resource allocation to support strategy implementation/ Discuss drivers of change in the ecosystem
  • Module 6: Produce strategy by the integration of choices into coherent strategy/ Explain the purpose of strategy
  • Module 7: Discuss the context of generating options/ Generating strategic options
  • Module 8: Analyse the elements of the ecosystem/ Making strategic choices


Exam Name: E3 Strategic Management
Exam Code: CIMAPRA19-E03-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA19-E03-1 practice questions in our database: 280
Expected CIMAPRA19-E03-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Discuss the impact of the ecosystem on organisational strategy/ Discuss the types and levels strategy
  • Module 2: Recommend change management techinques and methodologies/ Outline the strategy process
  • Module 3: Develop strategic performance management system/ Analysing the organisational ecosystem
  • Module 4: End of topic revision and question practice/ Discuss how to generate and devlop options
  • Module 5: Advise on resource allocation to support strategy implementation/ Discuss drivers of change in the ecosystem
  • Module 6: Produce strategy by the integration of choices into coherent strategy/ Explain the purpose of strategy
  • Module 7: Discuss the context of generating options/ Generating strategic options
  • Module 8: Analyse the elements of the ecosystem/ Making strategic choices


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Q1. Company Y is a global business selling a selection of technological items including phones, laptops and other computer related items. In addition Y sells accessory items, music downloads, apps: digital books and video downloads including films and television series through a cooperative partnership with other companies, designed to create value for the customer. Which of the following terms best describes what Y has created?

A.Artificial intelligence

B. A blockchain arrangement

C. An entirely cloud based offering

D. A digital ecosystem

Correct Answer: D

Q2. AAA is a car manufacturer which has undertaken a strategy to lobby a regional authority to include Its flagship hybrid model in a regional initiative to grant low-emission cars access to faster moving vehicle lanes. These faster vehicle lanes were historically only available to cars carrying passengers. Given the benefits of AAA's low emission vehicles, AAA's cars were authorised to make use of the faster lanes, even when no passengers were on board providing AAA with a decisive competitive edge. Which of the following strategies is AAA pursuing?

A.An environmental strategy.

B. A sustainability strategy.

C. A non-market strategy.

D. A market strategy

Correct Answer: C

Q3. S is a hybrid car manufacturer. S relies on strong social media presence and online marketing campaigns to drive customers to its website. S prioritises measuring and improving active usage metrics. Which of the following metrics does S prioritise? Select ALL that apply.

A.Abandon rates

B. The customer feedback score

C. The number of customer photographs uploaded

D. Number of repeat webpage users

E. Number of registered users

Correct Answer: A, D

Q4. AAA is a car manufacturer which has undertaken a strategy to lobby a regional authority to include Its flagship hybrid model in a regional initiative to grant low-emission cars access to faster moving vehicle lanes. These faster vehicle lanes were historically only available to cars carrying passengers. Given the benefits of AAA's low emission vehicles, AAA's cars were authorised to make use of the faster lanes, even when no passengers were on board providing AAA with a decisive competitive edge. Which of the following strategies is AAA pursuing?

A.An environmental strategy.

B. A sustainability strategy.

C. A non-market strategy.

D. A market strategy

Correct Answer: C

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