Exam Name: CPP – C++ Certified Professional Programmer Exam
Related Certification(s): C++ Institute C++ Certified Professional Programmer CCP Programmer Certification
Certification Provider: C++ Institute
Actual Exam Duration: 65 Minutes
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Expected CPP Exam Topics, as suggested by C++ Institute :
- Module 1: Sequence Containers and Container Adapters: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and covers the use of sequence containers like vectors, deques, and lists. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to manipulate data using container methods and iterators and access stored elements efficiently. One key skill assessed is implementing dynamic storage management using vectors.
- Module 2: Associative Containers: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmers and covers fundamental concepts related to associative containers, including sets, maps, and multimaps.
- Module 3: Algorithms: Non-Modifying Sequence Operations: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and focuses on iterating through containers without altering their contents. Candidates will be tested on functions such as find, count, and mismatch to search and compare elements. One specific skill assessed is using std::for_each to process container elements efficiently.
- Module 4: Algorithms: Modifying Sequence Operations: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmers and examines the ability to modify container elements using functions like copy, swap, replace, and remove. The exam evaluates proficiency in restructuring data while maintaining performance.
- Module 5: Algorithms: Sorting and Binary Search: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and assesses knowledge of sorting algorithms like sort and stable_sort, along with binary search techniques. Candidates must efficiently organize and search data within ordered containers. One major skill evaluated is optimizing searches with std::binary_search.
- Module 6: Algorithms: Merge, Heap, Min, Max: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmers and explores merging operations, heap structures, and set operations. Candidates will be tested on functions such as merge, set_union, and max_element. One specific skill assessed is using std::min_element to locate the smallest value in a collection.
- Module 7: STL Functional Objects and Utilities: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and focuses on transforming data using function objects and utilities like std::transform. Candidates must apply function adaptations to both simple and complex data types.
- Module 8: Advanced I/O: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmers and covers advanced input and output stream manipulations. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to format streams using flags and manipulators.
- Module 9: Templates: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and tests their knowledge of defining and using template functions and classes. Candidates will be assessed on their ability to work with generic programming structures.
- Module 10: Smart Pointers: This section of the exam measures the skills of C++ Certified Entry-Level Programmers and focuses on managing memory using smart pointers like std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr. Candidates must understand ownership and conversion between pointer types.
- Module 11: Selected Important Language Features: This section of the exam measures skills of C++ Certified Associate Programmers and highlights modern C++ features like auto, lambdas, tuples, and strongly-typed enums. Candidates must use these features to write concise and efficient code. One skill evaluated is implementing range-based for loops for simplified iteration.
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