Exam Name: BCS Foundation Certificate in IS Project Management
Related Certification(s): BCS Project and Programme Management Certification
Certification Provider: BCS
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ISEB-PM1 practice questions in our database: 625
Expected ISEB-PM1 Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :
- Module1: Projects and Project Work, Definition of Projects, as Opposed to Other Types of Work
- Module 2: Purpose of Project Planning and Control, The typical Activities in a System Development Life-Cycle
- Module 3: Implementation Strategies e.g. Parallel Running, ‘Sudden Death’, Use of Pilots/ Post Implementation Review
- Module 4: Project Planning/ Project Deliverable and Intermediate Products/ Work and Product Breakdowns/ Product Definitions
- Module 5: Relationship Between Products and Activities in a Project/ Activity Networks (Using ‘Activity on Node’ Notation) / Work Schedules and Gantt Charts
- Module 6: Monitoring and Control/ The Project Control Life Cycle: Including Planning, Monitoring Achievement
- Module 7: Collecting Progress Information, Time Sheets, Team Progress Meetings, Error and Change Reports
- Module 8: Change Control and Configuration Management/ Reasons for Change and Configuration Management/ Change Control Procedures
- Module 9: Estimating/ Effects of Over and Under-Estimating, Estimates Versus Targets/ Bottom up Approaches to Estimating
- Module 10: Project Communications and Project Organisation/ Relationship Between Programmes and Projects/ Identifying Stakeholders and Their Concerns
- Module 11: Establishment of the Project Authority (e.g. Project Board, Steering Committee etc.)/ Desirable Characteristics of Project Manager
- Module 12: Reporting Structures and Responsibilities/ Role of Project Support Office/ Project Team and Matrix Management
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