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Avaya 7492X Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Support Exam
Exam Code: 7492X
Related Certification(s): Avaya Certified Support Specialist ACSS Certification
Certification Provider: Avaya
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 7492X practice questions in our database: 
Expected 7492X Exam Topics, as suggested by Avaya :

  • Module 1: Describe the capabilities and features of Dynamic Business Advocate/ Troubleshoot using the Communication Manager Denial Event
  • Module 2: Describe the Best Service Routing in a multisite environment/ Describe virtual routing such as Network Call redirection (NCR)
  • Module 3: Describe the Best Service Routing feature in Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite/ Describe virtual routing such as Basic Service Routing (BSR)
  • Module 4: Troubleshooting the Avaya Aura® Media Server/ Describe virtual routing such as Look Ahead interflow (LAI)
  • Module 5: Describe Business Advocate (BA) with fundamental call center questions/ Describe the Service Level Maximizer (SLM) Understand the common problems that traditional ACD calling centers experience and how Business Advocate can help overcome these problems
  • Module 6: Troubleshoot common call vectoring issues/ Describe the vector variable operations
  • Module 7: List Trace, Display Events, and List Usage/ Describe virtual routing such as Enhanced Interflow, Adjunct Routing


Exam Name: Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Support Exam
Exam Code: 7492X
Related Certification(s): Avaya Certified Support Specialist ACSS Certification
Certification Provider: Avaya
Actual Exam Duration: 110 Minutes
Number of 7492X practice questions in our database: 
Expected 7492X Exam Topics, as suggested by Avaya :

  • Module 1: Describe the capabilities and features of Dynamic Business Advocate/ Troubleshoot using the Communication Manager Denial Event
  • Module 2: Describe the Best Service Routing in a multisite environment/ Describe virtual routing such as Network Call redirection (NCR)
  • Module 3: Describe the Best Service Routing feature in Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite/ Describe virtual routing such as Basic Service Routing (BSR)
  • Module 4: Troubleshooting the Avaya Aura® Media Server/ Describe virtual routing such as Look Ahead interflow (LAI)
  • Module 5: Describe Business Advocate (BA) with fundamental call center questions/ Describe the Service Level Maximizer (SLM) Understand the common problems that traditional ACD calling centers experience and how Business Advocate can help overcome these problems
  • Module 6: Troubleshoot common call vectoring issues/ Describe the vector variable operations
  • Module 7: List Trace, Display Events, and List Usage/ Describe virtual routing such as Enhanced Interflow, Adjunct Routing


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Q1. Installing WebLM requires that steps should be performed in a particular order. Which order should you use to install and configure WebLM on your Call Center Elite Multichannel Server?

A.It does not matter what order you install the applications in, as long as WebLM is at the end

B. Install Java, set JAVA_HOME environment variable, install Tomcat, and set the PATH environment variable

C. Install WebLM, install Tomcat, set JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables

D. Install Tomcat, install Java, install WebLM, and then configure the PATH, JAVA_HOME environment variables

Correct Answer: C

Q2. If your software is not working, what is the best practice to determine how to fix the concern?

A.Do a root cause analysis and gather information to solve the problem to prevent future Issues.

B. Use the nine disciplines associated with troubleshooting to identify and describe the problem.

C. The ability to get the software running immediately will solve all business needs.

D. Monitor logs and alerts for Information for a few months to determine the problem.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which two vector variable types are strictly global in scope? (Choose two.)


B. dow

C. value

D. ani

E. collect

Correct Answer: C, E

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