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Avaya 71801X Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Avaya Messaging Support Certified
Exam Code: 71801X
Related Certification(s): Avaya Certified Support Specialist ACSS Certification
Certification Provider: Avaya
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 71801X practice questions in our database:
Expected 71801X Exam Topics, as suggested by Avaya :

  • Module 1: Identify hardware, software and network specifications/ List the key features of Avaya Messaging release 11
  • Module 2: Identify environmental, network, and feature requirements for Avaya Messaging/ Describe the Avaya Messaging architecture.
  • Module 3: List the Avaya Messaging licensing, capacities, and deployment options/ Describe Avaya Messaging High Availability
  • Module 4: Identify troubleshooting and maintenance issues of Avaya Messaging/ Describe the steps for an Avaya Messaging solution and Installation
  • Module 5: Describe an Avaya Messaging solution/ List the steps of a WebLM License Manager installation, and the Avaya Messaging Server prerequisites
  • Module 6: Introduction and Key Features/ Describe the Unified Messaging options available
  • Module 7: Identify language options, and Web Portal capabilities/ List the steps for a PBX Integration


Exam Name: Avaya Messaging Support Certified
Exam Code: 71801X
Related Certification(s): Avaya Certified Support Specialist ACSS Certification
Certification Provider: Avaya
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 71801X practice questions in our database:
Expected 71801X Exam Topics, as suggested by Avaya :

  • Module 1: Identify hardware, software and network specifications/ List the key features of Avaya Messaging release 11
  • Module 2: Identify environmental, network, and feature requirements for Avaya Messaging/ Describe the Avaya Messaging architecture.
  • Module 3: List the Avaya Messaging licensing, capacities, and deployment options/ Describe Avaya Messaging High Availability
  • Module 4: Identify troubleshooting and maintenance issues of Avaya Messaging/ Describe the steps for an Avaya Messaging solution and Installation
  • Module 5: Describe an Avaya Messaging solution/ List the steps of a WebLM License Manager installation, and the Avaya Messaging Server prerequisites
  • Module 6: Introduction and Key Features/ Describe the Unified Messaging options available
  • Module 7: Identify language options, and Web Portal capabilities/ List the steps for a PBX Integration


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Q1. When adding a new Language to an Avaya Messaging High Availability (HA) system, which servers need to have the Language Pack installed?

A.Consolidated Server only

B. Primary Voice Server only

C. Primary and Secondary Voice Servers

D. Primary, Secondary and Consolidated Servers

Correct Answer: C

Q2. While doing a backup of the Avaya Messaging solution, which three folders must be chosen? (Choose three.)


B. UC\Licenses


D. UC\Messages

E. UC\Prompts

Correct Answer: A, C, E

Q3. When adding a new Language to an Avaya Messaging High Availability (HA) system, which servers need to have the Language Pack installed?

A.Consolidated Server only

B. Primary Voice Server only

C. Primary and Secondary Voice Servers

D. Primary, Secondary and Consolidated Servers

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Avaya IX Messaging stores the log files in which location?

A.IX-Messaging Install drive > UC > IX > Logs

B. IX-Messaging Install drive > UC > Logs

C. IX-Messaging Install drive > UC > OL > Logs

D. IX-Messaging Install drive > UC > Admin > Logs

Correct Answer: C

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