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ACFE CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner – Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
Exam Code: CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes
Related Certification(s): ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner CFE Certification
Certification Provider: ACFE
Number of CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes Exam Topics, as suggested by ACFE :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the fraud schemes, internal controls to deter fraud and other auditing and accounting matters
  • Module 2: Tests your comprehension of the types of fraudulent financial transactions incurred in accounting records
  • Module 3: Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes/ Demonstrate knowledge of the basic accounting and auditing theory
  • Module 4: Ensures the familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examinations
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert witness matters
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of tracing illicit transactions, evaluating deception and report writing
  • Module 7: Tests your understanding of why people commit fraud and ways to prevent it
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of interviewing, taking statements, obtaining information from public records
  • Module 9: Demonstrate knowledge of Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
  • Module 10: Demonstrate knowledge of crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention Demonstrate knowledge of fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.


Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner – Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes
Exam Code: CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes
Related Certification(s): ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner CFE Certification
Certification Provider: ACFE
Number of CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFE-Financial-Transactions-and-Fraud-Schemes Exam Topics, as suggested by ACFE :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the fraud schemes, internal controls to deter fraud and other auditing and accounting matters
  • Module 2: Tests your comprehension of the types of fraudulent financial transactions incurred in accounting records
  • Module 3: Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes/ Demonstrate knowledge of the basic accounting and auditing theory
  • Module 4: Ensures the familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examinations
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert witness matters
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of tracing illicit transactions, evaluating deception and report writing
  • Module 7: Tests your understanding of why people commit fraud and ways to prevent it
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of interviewing, taking statements, obtaining information from public records
  • Module 9: Demonstrate knowledge of Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
  • Module 10: Demonstrate knowledge of crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud prevention Demonstrate knowledge of fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.


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Q1. One reason employees might be hesitant to use PO boxes in shell company schemes is that some businesses are specially vary of sending checks to vendors that have street addresses only.


B. False

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A shell company scheme in which actual goods or services are sold to the victim company is known as:

A.Maintenance scheme

B. Allocation scheme

C. Distribution scheme

D. Pass-through scheme

Correct Answer: D

Q3. One reason employees might be hesitant to use PO boxes in shell company schemes is that some businesses are specially vary of sending checks to vendors that have street addresses only.


B. False

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Collusion or bid-rigging between bidders is called

A.Bribery receipt

B. Bid solicitation

C. To withdraw low bids

D. Contract acceptance

Correct Answer: D

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