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Alibaba Cloud ACA-Operator Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACA System Operator Certification
Exam Code: ACA-Operator
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACA-Operator practice questions in our database: 62 (updated: Jan. 29, 2025)
Expected ACA-Operator Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Deploy and configure ECS on Alibaba Cloud, Set up remote access to ECS/ Apply Alibaba Cloud Networking Features
  • Module 2: Use Cloud Monitor to monitor application resource usage and health status/ Cloud Architecture- High Availability and Fault Tolerance
  • Module 3: Use Alibaba Cloud services and features to manage and assess resource utilization/ Implement scalability and elasticity based on a given use case using Auto-Scaling and Load Balancer
  • Module 4: Implement connectivity to build a full-mesh global network on cloud/ Create container images for lightweight application packaging using Docker
  • Module 5: Manage permissions for an enterprise organization on the cloud/ Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient architectures on Alibaba Cloud
  • Module 6: Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needs/ Enable finance to see what is being spent, when, and by whom
  • Module 7: Manage identity and authentication for an organization’s users, across multiple platforms/ Publish container images to Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)
  • Module 8: Network design for resource sharing between different accounts/ Use Cloud Config to track resource configuration changes and evaluate configuration compliance
  • Module 9: Create an ECS image to package the application and runtime environments for easy distribution/ Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshooting
  • Module 10: Migrate data from a local environment to OSS or RDS using DTS or OSS utilities/ Implement data backup, archiving and retention for Cloud Disk, RDS, and OSS


Exam Name: ACA System Operator Certification
Exam Code: ACA-Operator
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACA-Operator practice questions in our database: 62 (updated: Jan. 29, 2025)
Expected ACA-Operator Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Deploy and configure ECS on Alibaba Cloud, Set up remote access to ECS/ Apply Alibaba Cloud Networking Features
  • Module 2: Use Cloud Monitor to monitor application resource usage and health status/ Cloud Architecture- High Availability and Fault Tolerance
  • Module 3: Use Alibaba Cloud services and features to manage and assess resource utilization/ Implement scalability and elasticity based on a given use case using Auto-Scaling and Load Balancer
  • Module 4: Implement connectivity to build a full-mesh global network on cloud/ Create container images for lightweight application packaging using Docker
  • Module 5: Manage permissions for an enterprise organization on the cloud/ Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient architectures on Alibaba Cloud
  • Module 6: Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needs/ Enable finance to see what is being spent, when, and by whom
  • Module 7: Manage identity and authentication for an organization’s users, across multiple platforms/ Publish container images to Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)
  • Module 8: Network design for resource sharing between different accounts/ Use Cloud Config to track resource configuration changes and evaluate configuration compliance
  • Module 9: Create an ECS image to package the application and runtime environments for easy distribution/ Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshooting
  • Module 10: Migrate data from a local environment to OSS or RDS using DTS or OSS utilities/ Implement data backup, archiving and retention for Cloud Disk, RDS, and OSS


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Q1. Which of the following descriptions of the principles of Alibaba Cloud SSL certificate private key protection is correct?

A.Alibaba Cloud uses the built-in functionality of the SSL certificate service to encrypt and store the private key to ensure the security of your certificate's private key

B. The plaintext of Alibaba Cloud's private key is usually stored on disk and backed up regularly

C. Alibaba Cloud Certificate Service uses symmetric encryption to save the certificate private key.

D. Alibaba Cloud Certificate Service keys are loaded into memory in plaintext format ONLY when needed.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. When using Alibaba Cloud CDN, a visitor's request will first be routed to a CDN edge node, and in the event of a cache miss at this edge node, the node will fetch data from the origin site (back-to-source request). Even with this redirection, it is possible for the origin site to see the visitor's real IP address. Which of the following statements about obtaining the visitor's real IP address are correct? (Number of correct answers: 2) A visitor's real IP address can only be obtained by modifying the site or web application.

A.visitor's real IP address is stored in the 'X-Forwarded-For' HTTP header. It can be directly obtained via Apache or NGINX logs.

B. In Windows, if IIS is used, after installing the 'F5XForwardedFor' extension module, the visitor's real IP address can be seen via IIS logs.

C. You can activate the 'record visitor's real IP' function in the Alibaba Cloud CDN console, then you can directly view visitor's IP addresses from the Alibaba Cloud CDN access logs.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q3. Tracing Analysis is used to analyze and diagnose performance bottlenecks in a distributed application architecture and make microservice development and diagnostics more efficient.


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Your company decided to replicate the whole cloud environment in another region and use it as a cross-region failover in disaster recovery scenarios. Your current environment includes Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances and Relational Database Service (RDS) instances. Which of the following statements is correct?

A.You can provision multiple ECS instances in multiple regions, thereby leveraging automatic high availability across regions

B. You can provision multiple SLB instances in multiple regions, thereby leveraging automatic high availability across regions

C. You can use DNS to resolve domain names to the IP addresses of multiple ECS instances running in different regions

D. You can use DNS to resolve domain names to the IP addresses of multiple SLB instances running in different regions

Correct Answer: D

Q5. When you use SQL statements to access tables in a database without an index configured, a full table scan will be performed. If a table contains a large amount of data, this kind of scan will access a large amount of data and consume a lot of the database's resources. Which of the following options are best practices when creating database indexes? (Number of correct answers: 3)

A.Add an index to a field that is frequently queried but does not frequently perform add, delete, or modify operations.

B. Applies indices to fields to contain many records.

C. A table should not contaiiAiore than 6 indexed fields.

D. Apply indexing to fields of fixed length (preferably not long fields).

E. Adhere to the rightmost prefix principle when using composite indexes

Correct Answer: A, C, D

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