Exam Name: ACA System Operator Certification
Exam Code: ACA-Operator
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACA-Operator practice questions in our database: 62 (updated: Jan. 29, 2025)
Expected ACA-Operator Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :
- Module 1: Deploy and configure ECS on Alibaba Cloud, Set up remote access to ECS/ Apply Alibaba Cloud Networking Features
- Module 2: Use Cloud Monitor to monitor application resource usage and health status/ Cloud Architecture- High Availability and Fault Tolerance
- Module 3: Use Alibaba Cloud services and features to manage and assess resource utilization/ Implement scalability and elasticity based on a given use case using Auto-Scaling and Load Balancer
- Module 4: Implement connectivity to build a full-mesh global network on cloud/ Create container images for lightweight application packaging using Docker
- Module 5: Manage permissions for an enterprise organization on the cloud/ Recognize and differentiate highly available and resilient architectures on Alibaba Cloud
- Module 6: Identify and implement data protection, encryption, and capacity planning needs/ Enable finance to see what is being spent, when, and by whom
- Module 7: Manage identity and authentication for an organization’s users, across multiple platforms/ Publish container images to Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)
- Module 8: Network design for resource sharing between different accounts/ Use Cloud Config to track resource configuration changes and evaluate configuration compliance
- Module 9: Create an ECS image to package the application and runtime environments for easy distribution/ Gather and interpret relevant information for network troubleshooting
- Module 10: Migrate data from a local environment to OSS or RDS using DTS or OSS utilities/ Implement data backup, archiving and retention for Cloud Disk, RDS, and OSS
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