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Splunk SPLK-4001 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Exam
Exam Code: SPLK-4001
Related Certification(s): Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Certification
Certification Provider: Splunk
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of SPLK-4001 practice questions in our database: 54 

Expected SPLK-4001 Exam Topics, as suggested by Splunk :

  • Topic 1: General OpenTelemetry Concepts/ Use the Cluster Analyzer to pinpoint the root of some problems
  • Topic 2: View and alert on weekly, daily, or hourly comparisons/ Create detectors to monitor populations
  • Topic 3: Deploy the OTel Collector on Linux/ Discriminate between types of metadata
  • Topic 4: Introduction to Alerting on Metrics with Detectors/ Identify common issues with detectors
  • Topic 5: Create single-instance dashboards/ Use built-in Kubernetes Dashboards to investigate and troubleshoot
  • Topic 6: Correctly apply rollups and analytic functions/ Apply analytic functions over moving and calendar time windows
  • Topic 7: Distinguish between different chart visualization types/ Interact with data using built-in content
  • Topic 8: Apply analytics functions to a subset of MTS in a signal/ Troubleshooting common errors
  • Topic 9: Create Efficient Dashboards and Alerts/ Create dashboards and dashboard groups
  • Topic 10: List the components of a datapoint/ Use percentages and ratios to understand trends


Exam Name: Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Exam
Exam Code: SPLK-4001
Related Certification(s): Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Certification
Certification Provider: Splunk
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of SPLK-4001 practice questions in our database: 54 

Expected SPLK-4001 Exam Topics, as suggested by Splunk :

  • Topic 1: General OpenTelemetry Concepts/ Use the Cluster Analyzer to pinpoint the root of some problems
  • Topic 2: View and alert on weekly, daily, or hourly comparisons/ Create detectors to monitor populations
  • Topic 3: Deploy the OTel Collector on Linux/ Discriminate between types of metadata
  • Topic 4: Introduction to Alerting on Metrics with Detectors/ Identify common issues with detectors
  • Topic 5: Create single-instance dashboards/ Use built-in Kubernetes Dashboards to investigate and troubleshoot
  • Topic 6: Correctly apply rollups and analytic functions/ Apply analytic functions over moving and calendar time windows
  • Topic 7: Distinguish between different chart visualization types/ Interact with data using built-in content
  • Topic 8: Apply analytics functions to a subset of MTS in a signal/ Troubleshooting common errors
  • Topic 9: Create Efficient Dashboards and Alerts/ Create dashboards and dashboard groups
  • Topic 10: List the components of a datapoint/ Use percentages and ratios to understand trends


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Q1. When installing OpenTelemetry Collector, which error message is indicative that there is a misconfigured realm or access token?


B. 404 (NOT FOUND)



Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following statements is true of detectors created from a chart on a custom dashboard?

A.Changes made to the chart affect the detector.

B. Changes made to the detector affect the chart.

C. The alerts will show up in the team landing page.

D. The detector is automatically linked to the chart.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A user wants to add a link to an existing dashboard from an alert. When they click the dimension value in the alert message, they are taken to the dashboard keeping the context. How can this be accomplished? (select all that apply)

A.Build a global data link.

B. Add a link to the Runbook URL.

C. Add a link to the field.

D. Add the link to the alert message body.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q4. Which of the following statements is true of detectors created from a chart on a custom dashboard?

A.Changes made to the chart affect the detector.

B. Changes made to the detector affect the chart.

C. The alerts will show up in the team landing page.

D. The detector is automatically linked to the chart.

Correct Answer: D

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