Exam Name: Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Exam
Exam Code: SPLK-4001
Related Certification(s): Splunk O11y Cloud Certified Metrics User Certification
Certification Provider: Splunk
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of SPLK-4001 practice questions in our database: 54
Expected SPLK-4001 Exam Topics, as suggested by Splunk :
- Topic 1: General OpenTelemetry Concepts/ Use the Cluster Analyzer to pinpoint the root of some problems
- Topic 2: View and alert on weekly, daily, or hourly comparisons/ Create detectors to monitor populations
- Topic 3: Deploy the OTel Collector on Linux/ Discriminate between types of metadata
- Topic 4: Introduction to Alerting on Metrics with Detectors/ Identify common issues with detectors
- Topic 5: Create single-instance dashboards/ Use built-in Kubernetes Dashboards to investigate and troubleshoot
- Topic 6: Correctly apply rollups and analytic functions/ Apply analytic functions over moving and calendar time windows
- Topic 7: Distinguish between different chart visualization types/ Interact with data using built-in content
- Topic 8: Apply analytics functions to a subset of MTS in a signal/ Troubleshooting common errors
- Topic 9: Create Efficient Dashboards and Alerts/ Create dashboards and dashboard groups
- Topic 10: List the components of a datapoint/ Use percentages and ratios to understand trends
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