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SAP C_C4H420_13 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP CPQ Implementation
Exam Code: C_C4H420_13
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Application Associate Certifications
  • SAP CPQ Implementation Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H420_13 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H420_13 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Create and implement formulas, triggers, rules, custom tables, and attribute containers/ Scripting and UI Customization
  • Module 2: Write basic scripts in Script Workbench/ Use SAP CPQ API. Perform basic UI customization
  • Module 3: Create and configure categories, simple products, attributes, and configurable products/ CPQ Fundamentals and Users
  • Module 4: Create and modify quote elements. Generate documents and templates/ Pricing and Calculations
  • Module 5: Add and modify pricing for prodcuts and attributes/ Identify the different types of scripts and objects used in SAP CPQ and when to use each
  • Module 6: Create and configure pricebooks. Set up discounts/ Add and convert currencies. Define markets and market visibility
  • Module 7: Set up companies, user types, and users. Create and define permission groups/ Configure workflows and ap


Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP CPQ Implementation
Exam Code: C_C4H420_13
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Application Associate Certifications
  • SAP CPQ Implementation Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H420_13 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H420_13 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Create and implement formulas, triggers, rules, custom tables, and attribute containers/ Scripting and UI Customization
  • Module 2: Write basic scripts in Script Workbench/ Use SAP CPQ API. Perform basic UI customization
  • Module 3: Create and configure categories, simple products, attributes, and configurable products/ CPQ Fundamentals and Users
  • Module 4: Create and modify quote elements. Generate documents and templates/ Pricing and Calculations
  • Module 5: Add and modify pricing for prodcuts and attributes/ Identify the different types of scripts and objects used in SAP CPQ and when to use each
  • Module 6: Create and configure pricebooks. Set up discounts/ Add and convert currencies. Define markets and market visibility
  • Module 7: Set up companies, user types, and users. Create and define permission groups/ Configure workflows and ap


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Q1. Which Tags can only be used within a C2 Loop when creating Document Generation Templates?

A.C Tags (Cart Item Tags)

B. Quote Table Tags

C. Container Tags

D. Q Tags (Quote Tags)

Correct Answer: A, C

Q2. Which of the following CPQ events trigger evaluation of the Quote item Default Discounts?

A.For all items, every time user lands on the Quote.

B. Whenever Reprice Quote action is executed.

C. When each individual item is added to the cart for the first time.

D. For all items, whenever Quote market changes.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which of the following rules apply to pricebooks within a Market? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.Each pricebook in the market must have a unique name.

B. A pricebook cannot have a parent pricebook from the same market.

C. All pricebooks in the market share the same currency.

D. Only one pricebook per market can be visible.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q4. Your customer has a requirement where the maximum allowed discount for all products with ''Accessory product Type is 20%, except for user Type ''Manager'', who are allowed to discount up to 30% on all products, what is the standard way to implement his requirement?

A.* Write a custom cart calculation script of Row Type ''Cartitem'' to reset the item discount to O If current User Type is manager and the discount is over 30. * Write a Custom Cart Calculation Script of Row Type Cartitem to reset item discount to o if the current user type is no manager and the discount is over 20.

B. * Create two rules in Dicounts/Multipliers, one for product Type'' Accessory'' with a maximum value of 20 and condition [NEQ] (<*CTX(Visitor.UserTypeName) *, manager) * Create the other for product Type Accessory with a maximum value of 30 and condition [EQ] (,Manager)

C. * Create a Quote Item Custom Field ''maximum Discount'' with a calculation of [if] ([EQ] (c*CTX ( visitorType.Name )>, manager)) {30}{200} [ENDIF] * Create a rule in Discounts/multipliers for product Type ''Accessory'' with a maximum value of *> CTX (Quote.Currentitem.CustomField(maximum Discount))*>

D. * Create two rules in Discounts/multipliers, one for product Type ''Accessory'' with a maximum value of 20, the other for user Type 'Manager' with a maximum value of 30. * In Discounting Priorities, ensure user Type has a lower Rank than product type.

Correct Answer: D

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