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PMI DASM Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Disciplined Agile Scrum Master
Exam Code: DASM
Related Certification(s): PMI Agile Certifications
Certification Provider: PMI
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of DASM practice questions in our database: 50 
Expected DASM Exam Topics, as suggested by PMI :

  • Topic 1: Foundations of Agile: This section evaluates your grasp of Agile principles and methodologies, concentrating on fundamental Agile concepts and frameworks. It is intended for project managers and Agile coaches who require a thorough understanding of Agile practices.
  • Topic 2: Foundations of Lean: This section examines your knowledge of Lean principles, with a focus on strategies for minimizing waste and enhancing process efficieDisciplined Agile (DA) framework. It is geared towards Lean practitioners aiming to optimize processes and boost productivity.
  • Topic 3: Foundations of Disciplined Agile: This section explores the, including its processes and approaches for tailoring Agile practices to different organizational settings. It is aimed at Agile practitioners involved in the implementation and management of Disciplined Agile methodologies.
  • Topic 4: Choose Your WoW: This section is centered on selecting and customizing the most effective Way of Working (WoW) for various project needs and organizational contexts. It is relevant for project managers who must adjust practices to meet specific project and organizational demands.


Exam Name: Disciplined Agile Scrum Master
Exam Code: DASM
Related Certification(s): PMI Agile Certifications
Certification Provider: PMI
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of DASM practice questions in our database: 50 
Expected DASM Exam Topics, as suggested by PMI :

  • Topic 1: Foundations of Agile: This section evaluates your grasp of Agile principles and methodologies, concentrating on fundamental Agile concepts and frameworks. It is intended for project managers and Agile coaches who require a thorough understanding of Agile practices.
  • Topic 2: Foundations of Lean: This section examines your knowledge of Lean principles, with a focus on strategies for minimizing waste and enhancing process efficieDisciplined Agile (DA) framework. It is geared towards Lean practitioners aiming to optimize processes and boost productivity.
  • Topic 3: Foundations of Disciplined Agile: This section explores the, including its processes and approaches for tailoring Agile practices to different organizational settings. It is aimed at Agile practitioners involved in the implementation and management of Disciplined Agile methodologies.
  • Topic 4: Choose Your WoW: This section is centered on selecting and customizing the most effective Way of Working (WoW) for various project needs and organizational contexts. It is relevant for project managers who must adjust practices to meet specific project and organizational demands.


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Q1. A team has completed the work in their Aeration backlog earlier than expected. There is still three days left of the iteration, what should the team do now?

A.Work on non-critical tasks until the product owner can assign them more work.

B. Work with the product owner to pull more work from the product backlog into their iteration backlog.

C. Report the differences in completion time so the next iteration can be planned more efficiently.

D. Wait for the other groups to complete their work prior to doing anything else.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What are the three phases of DAD's delivery life cycle?

A.Commencement. Creation. Evolution

B. Initiation. Foundation. Conversion

C. Introduction. Substance, Alteration

D. Inception. Construction. Transition

Correct Answer: D

Q3. What docs a well-written user story describe?

A.The expectations of the product owner.

B. The needs of all users.

C. The customers' perspective.

D. A fixed outcome.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What are the three phases of DAD's delivery life cycle?

A.Commencement. Creation. Evolution

B. Initiation. Foundation. Conversion

C. Introduction. Substance, Alteration

D. Inception. Construction. Transition

Correct Answer: D

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