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NFPA CFPS Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Fire Protection Specialist
Exam Code: CFPS
Related Certification(s): NFPA Certifications
Certification Provider: NFPA
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of CFPS practice questions in our database: 102
Expected CFPS Exam Topics, as suggested by NFPA :

  • Module 1: Safety in the Built Environment: This topic will test the knowledge and skills of Fire protection consultants in evaluating and ensuring the proper application of fire protection systems in various buildings. They must demonstrate their ability to analyze fire safety protocols, building systems, and regulations for compliance.
  • Module 2: Information and Analysis for Fire Protection and Fire Science: In this section, Fire protection consultants will be evaluated on their ability to conduct fire loss investigations, fire analysis, and protection calculations. Their ability to assess fire dynamics and the impacts on building occupants is crucial for ensuring proper safety measures are in place.
  • Module 3: Fire Prevention: Programs, Materials, Processes, and Environments: This topic assesses the capability of identifying fire hazards and applying mitigation strategies to minimize risks in a community or organization. Fire protection consultants will be tested on their ability to conduct safety audits, provide fire hazard training, and recommend safety tools and equipment.
  • Module 4: Facility Fire Hazard Management: The exam will assess the proficiency of Fire protection consultants in managing and mitigating fire hazards in facilities through effective planning and system management. Candidates must demonstrate their understanding of architectural drawings, risk assessments, and the integration of fire protection systems to ensure safety across all building operations and emergency preparedness protocols.
  • Module 5: Organizing for Fire and Rescue Services: This section will evaluate the skills of Fire protection consultants in pre-incident planning, incident command, and emergency service operations. They will be assessed on their ability to develop and implement an effective Incident Command System (ICS) and ensure fire and emergency services comply with regulations.
  • Module 6: Detection and Alarm: In this topic, Fire protection consultants will need to demonstrate their expertise in the operational characteristics of fire alarm systems and detection technologies. They will be tested on their ability to apply relevant codes, inspect systems, and ensure compliance with safety standards.
  • Module 7: Fire Suppression: This topic covers the knowledge of fire suppression systems, including routine maintenance, testing, and system design considerations. Fire protection consultants will be expected to demonstrate their ability to evaluate fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers and non-water-based systems, and ensure their proper functionality following codes and local policies.
  • Module 8: Confining Fires: Fire protection consultants will be tested on their ability to recommend and ensure the proper installation and maintenance of fire-resistant construction, including firewalls and barriers. This section will assess their knowledge of smoke control methods and their ability to assist in the design of systems that limit fire spread, ensuring that buildings are equipped to confine fires and protect occupants.


Exam Name: Certified Fire Protection Specialist
Exam Code: CFPS
Related Certification(s): NFPA Certifications
Certification Provider: NFPA
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of CFPS practice questions in our database: 102
Expected CFPS Exam Topics, as suggested by NFPA :

  • Module 1: Safety in the Built Environment: This topic will test the knowledge and skills of Fire protection consultants in evaluating and ensuring the proper application of fire protection systems in various buildings. They must demonstrate their ability to analyze fire safety protocols, building systems, and regulations for compliance.
  • Module 2: Information and Analysis for Fire Protection and Fire Science: In this section, Fire protection consultants will be evaluated on their ability to conduct fire loss investigations, fire analysis, and protection calculations. Their ability to assess fire dynamics and the impacts on building occupants is crucial for ensuring proper safety measures are in place.
  • Module 3: Fire Prevention: Programs, Materials, Processes, and Environments: This topic assesses the capability of identifying fire hazards and applying mitigation strategies to minimize risks in a community or organization. Fire protection consultants will be tested on their ability to conduct safety audits, provide fire hazard training, and recommend safety tools and equipment.
  • Module 4: Facility Fire Hazard Management: The exam will assess the proficiency of Fire protection consultants in managing and mitigating fire hazards in facilities through effective planning and system management. Candidates must demonstrate their understanding of architectural drawings, risk assessments, and the integration of fire protection systems to ensure safety across all building operations and emergency preparedness protocols.
  • Module 5: Organizing for Fire and Rescue Services: This section will evaluate the skills of Fire protection consultants in pre-incident planning, incident command, and emergency service operations. They will be assessed on their ability to develop and implement an effective Incident Command System (ICS) and ensure fire and emergency services comply with regulations.
  • Module 6: Detection and Alarm: In this topic, Fire protection consultants will need to demonstrate their expertise in the operational characteristics of fire alarm systems and detection technologies. They will be tested on their ability to apply relevant codes, inspect systems, and ensure compliance with safety standards.
  • Module 7: Fire Suppression: This topic covers the knowledge of fire suppression systems, including routine maintenance, testing, and system design considerations. Fire protection consultants will be expected to demonstrate their ability to evaluate fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers and non-water-based systems, and ensure their proper functionality following codes and local policies.
  • Module 8: Confining Fires: Fire protection consultants will be tested on their ability to recommend and ensure the proper installation and maintenance of fire-resistant construction, including firewalls and barriers. This section will assess their knowledge of smoke control methods and their ability to assist in the design of systems that limit fire spread, ensuring that buildings are equipped to confine fires and protect occupants.


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Q1. For sprinkler design densities of 0.34 gpm/ft* (13.9 mm/min) or less, what minimal standard-response sprinkler nominal orifice coefficient should be used?

A.K4.2 (Km=60)

B. K 5.6 Km-80)

C. K 8.0 (Km=115)

D. K11.2(Km=160)

Correct Answer: B

Q2. The three basic calculation methods used to determine rate of fire flow are the Royer/Nelson. US National Fire Academy, and_________.

A.Hazen Williams

B. Venturi principle

C. Sprinkler calculations

D. Bernoulli calculation

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is the minimum operating design pressure for a K-16.8 (240) ESFR spunkier protecting double-row rack storage of a Class IV encapsulated or unencapsulated commodity stored 20 ft high in a 35 ft high building?

A.20 psi (1.4 bar)

B. 35 psi (2.4 bar)

C. 52 psi (3.6 bar)

D. 75 psi (5.2 bar)

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Fire alarm systems utilize what three (3) basic types of circuits?


B. Class A, B. and C

C. LEL, HEL, and MEL

D. IDP, SIP, and NAP

Correct Answer: A

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