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NetSuite SuiteFoundation Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetSuite SuiteFoundation Exam
Exam Code: SuiteFoundation
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Actual Exam Duration: 80 Minutes
Number of SuiteFoundation practice questions in our database: 162 
Expected SuiteFoundation Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Setup and Administration: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to the identification of the general functionality that can be controlled under Enable Features and the constraints with renaming records. It also covers how to identify NetSuite features requiring NetSuite Support Intervention.
  • Module 2: NetSuite User Interface: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to how to identify the different navigation options within NetSuite and how to identify options for optimizing browser experience and NetSuite system performance.
  • Module 3: Standard NS process flows: This section of the exam covers how to identify how to set up Sales Force Automation and identify elements in progressing through the sales cycle. Identify fields and settings that affect quota and forecast reporting, identify how to set up and use Case Management, identify how to set up and use Marketing Campaigns and SuitePromotions, identify how Sales Order form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact, and the impact of controls on steps in order fulfillment. It also identifies supported payment methods and how the Return Authorization form impacts downstream transactions.
  • Module 4: SuiteAnalytics: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to identify options for finding records, how to define elements of building a saved search, and different types of Portlet types.
  • Module 5: Maintenance, Resources, and Data Security: In this type of exam, the topics include how to identify best practices in working with NetSuite Support, the resources to use to locate information on help, functionality, SuiteApp, enhancements, or “Best Practices”, and user discussion. It also covers identifying resources to learn about NetSuite Release Cycles and New tools in addition to options for controlling access to data when creating custom roles. The topics cover strategies for creating custom roles and the importance of setting up security questions.


Exam Name: NetSuite SuiteFoundation Exam
Exam Code: SuiteFoundation
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Actual Exam Duration: 80 Minutes
Number of SuiteFoundation practice questions in our database: 162 
Expected SuiteFoundation Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Setup and Administration: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to the identification of the general functionality that can be controlled under Enable Features and the constraints with renaming records. It also covers how to identify NetSuite features requiring NetSuite Support Intervention.
  • Module 2: NetSuite User Interface: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to how to identify the different navigation options within NetSuite and how to identify options for optimizing browser experience and NetSuite system performance.
  • Module 3: Standard NS process flows: This section of the exam covers how to identify how to set up Sales Force Automation and identify elements in progressing through the sales cycle. Identify fields and settings that affect quota and forecast reporting, identify how to set up and use Case Management, identify how to set up and use Marketing Campaigns and SuitePromotions, identify how Sales Order form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact, and the impact of controls on steps in order fulfillment. It also identifies supported payment methods and how the Return Authorization form impacts downstream transactions.
  • Module 4: SuiteAnalytics: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to identify options for finding records, how to define elements of building a saved search, and different types of Portlet types.
  • Module 5: Maintenance, Resources, and Data Security: In this type of exam, the topics include how to identify best practices in working with NetSuite Support, the resources to use to locate information on help, functionality, SuiteApp, enhancements, or “Best Practices”, and user discussion. It also covers identifying resources to learn about NetSuite Release Cycles and New tools in addition to options for controlling access to data when creating custom roles. The topics cover strategies for creating custom roles and the importance of setting up security questions.


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Q1. Which resources under the Support tab can a user access to submit a case?

A.NetSuite Administrator Group

B. NetSuite Account Center

C. NetSuite Support Aid

D. NetSuite Assistant

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Where can you find logged OLD and NEW GL Impact of some transaction?

A.System notes

B. My Login Audit

C. Transaction Audit Trail

D. Transaction Numbering Audit Log

Correct Answer: A

Q3. When added to the Criteria subtab of a Transaction search, which filter displays primary line data rows only?

A.Main Line = yes

B. Item on Any Line = specify item

C. Name = name of the item

D. Main Line = any

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Where can you find logged OLD and NEW GL Impact of some transaction?

A.System notes

B. My Login Audit

C. Transaction Audit Trail

D. Transaction Numbering Audit Log

Correct Answer: A

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