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NetSuite-Financial-User Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetSuite Financial User Certification
Exam Code: NetSuite-Financial-User
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Number of NetSuite-Financial-User practice questions in our database: 86 
Expected NetSuite-Financial-User Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Subsidiaries, Classifications, Chart of Accounts: This section is about understanding subsidiaries involves recognizing their definition, types, and usage within organizational structures.
  • Module 2: Accounts Receivable: This section is about understanding the NetSuite standard Accounts Receivable process flow involves recognizing key steps, including setting up customer records and creating invoices.
  • Module 3: Billing Schedules: This section is about recognizing the process involved in establishing and implementing billing schedules.
  • Module 4: Accounts Payable: It is about understanding the standard Accounts Payable process flow in NetSuite encompasses recognizing key steps, including setting up Vendor records.
  • Module 5: Banking and Payment Processing: This section is about recognizing the default banking transactions in NetSuite involves understanding key steps, such as recording deposits, and withdrawals.
  • Module 6: Journal Entries: This section is about understanding the usage of journal entries is essential in financial accounting within NetSuite, and allowing for the recording of various financial transactions.
  • Module 7: Budgeting: This section is about recognizing the procedures for generating and documenting budgets within NetSuite.
  • Module 8: Expense Allocations: This section is about recognizing the steps involved in configuring and implementing expense allocations in NetSuite includes understanding the setup process.
  • Module 9: Financial Reports and KPI: This section is about recognizing distinctive features within the Financial Report Builder Interface and understand how NetSuite transactions influence financial reports.
  • Module 10: Period and YearEnd Close: This section is about identifying NetSuite’s recommended practices for period closure and the structure of accounting/tax periods.


Exam Name: NetSuite Financial User Certification
Exam Code: NetSuite-Financial-User
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Number of NetSuite-Financial-User practice questions in our database: 86 
Expected NetSuite-Financial-User Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Subsidiaries, Classifications, Chart of Accounts: This section is about understanding subsidiaries involves recognizing their definition, types, and usage within organizational structures.
  • Module 2: Accounts Receivable: This section is about understanding the NetSuite standard Accounts Receivable process flow involves recognizing key steps, including setting up customer records and creating invoices.
  • Module 3: Billing Schedules: This section is about recognizing the process involved in establishing and implementing billing schedules.
  • Module 4: Accounts Payable: It is about understanding the standard Accounts Payable process flow in NetSuite encompasses recognizing key steps, including setting up Vendor records.
  • Module 5: Banking and Payment Processing: This section is about recognizing the default banking transactions in NetSuite involves understanding key steps, such as recording deposits, and withdrawals.
  • Module 6: Journal Entries: This section is about understanding the usage of journal entries is essential in financial accounting within NetSuite, and allowing for the recording of various financial transactions.
  • Module 7: Budgeting: This section is about recognizing the procedures for generating and documenting budgets within NetSuite.
  • Module 8: Expense Allocations: This section is about recognizing the steps involved in configuring and implementing expense allocations in NetSuite includes understanding the setup process.
  • Module 9: Financial Reports and KPI: This section is about recognizing distinctive features within the Financial Report Builder Interface and understand how NetSuite transactions influence financial reports.
  • Module 10: Period and YearEnd Close: This section is about identifying NetSuite’s recommended practices for period closure and the structure of accounting/tax periods.


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Q1. Which two statements are true about intercompany expense allocations? (Choose two.)

A.The target must be one subsidiary

B. The source must be one subsidiary

C. The target can be multiple subsidiary

D. The source can be multiple subsidiary

Correct Answer: C, D

Q2. Which row type in a Financial Report allows display of the same unmodified data from another row?

A.Text Row

B. Echo Row

C. Formula Row

D. Reference Row

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which statement is true about setting up NetSuite budgets?

A.Copying budgets is not recommended.

B. Budgets can be imported into NetSuite using CSV.

C. Budgets must be created manually in the NetSuite user interface.

D. Budgets can be created for multiple criteria, but only one per parameter.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Which row type in a Financial Report allows display of the same unmodified data from another row?

A.Text Row

B. Echo Row

C. Formula Row

D. Reference Row

Correct Answer: D

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