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NetSuite-Administrator Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetSuite Certified Administrator
Exam Code: NetSuite-Administrator
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Number of NetSuite-Administrator practice questions in our database: 124
Expected NetSuite-Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: SuiteAnalytics: This section of the exam is about how to effectively harness advanced saved searches and how to identify the diverse options available for defining them to procure specific results.
  • Module 2: SuiteBuilder: This section is about navigating the intricacies of customizations within NetSuite. Additionally, understanding the distinctions between field display types and their respective applications is crucial for tailoring layouts effectively.
  • Module 3: SuiteCloud Platform: This section is about navigating NetSuite’s customization and automation capabilities. Understanding the process of creating SuiteFlows from provided scenarios, and identifying scenarios.
  • Module 4: Setup and Administration: This section is about optimizing NetSuite functionality to follow recommended practices for creating and assigning custom roles, including utilizing Global Permissions and Core Administrator Permissions.
  • Module 5: Data Security: This section is about controlling access to the File Cabinet and involves identifying various methods for ensuring secure file management.
  • Module 6: Working with NetSuite: This section is about NetSuite administration, managing system alert email notifications, identifying how to view or modify these notifications, and preparing for new releases.


Exam Name: NetSuite Certified Administrator
Exam Code: NetSuite-Administrator
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Number of NetSuite-Administrator practice questions in our database: 124
Expected NetSuite-Administrator Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: SuiteAnalytics: This section of the exam is about how to effectively harness advanced saved searches and how to identify the diverse options available for defining them to procure specific results.
  • Module 2: SuiteBuilder: This section is about navigating the intricacies of customizations within NetSuite. Additionally, understanding the distinctions between field display types and their respective applications is crucial for tailoring layouts effectively.
  • Module 3: SuiteCloud Platform: This section is about navigating NetSuite’s customization and automation capabilities. Understanding the process of creating SuiteFlows from provided scenarios, and identifying scenarios.
  • Module 4: Setup and Administration: This section is about optimizing NetSuite functionality to follow recommended practices for creating and assigning custom roles, including utilizing Global Permissions and Core Administrator Permissions.
  • Module 5: Data Security: This section is about controlling access to the File Cabinet and involves identifying various methods for ensuring secure file management.
  • Module 6: Working with NetSuite: This section is about NetSuite administration, managing system alert email notifications, identifying how to view or modify these notifications, and preparing for new releases.


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Q1. What is the most secure action an Administrator can take to protect the company from unauthorized access to NetSuite data?

A.Set the NetSuite Password Policy to Strong.

B. Require password changes every 5 days.

C. Require users to answer security questions upon login.

D. Use Two-Factor Authentication.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which window displays NetSuite server and client load times?

A.Account Center

B. Performance Details

C. Status Portlet

D. Performance Audit Log

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What are two (2) basic tasks users should perform to optimize account performance before Administrator intervention?

A.Perform the action (e.g., load a record or run a report) 3 to 5 times.

B. Attempt the action with multiple users to identify user-specific errors.

C. Select Delay Loading of Sub lists to initially load NetSuite pages without data on subtabs.

D. Troubleshoot user firewalls and proxies for HTTP connections

Correct Answer: A, B

Q4. Which window displays NetSuite server and client load times?

A.Account Center

B. Performance Details

C. Status Portlet

D. Performance Audit Log

Correct Answer: B

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