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NetSuite ERP-Consultant Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetSuite ERP Consultant Exam
Exam Code: ERP-Consultant
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of ERP-Consultant practice questions in our database: 80 
Expected ERP-Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Given a requirement, determine the configuration/solution for an order process/ Identify the implications of shipping setup and use
  • Module 2: Determine the considerations for setup and execution of the fulfillment process/ Identify the transactions and records related to building Assemblies
  • Module 3: Identify configuration options available when customizing email alerts for saved searches/ Identify the Best Practices of setting up the NetSuite Chart of Accounts
  • Module 4: Identify how NetSuite Segments are handled in NetSuite, and when to use custom segments/ Organize the steps required to successfully complete an import of CSV records and sublist data
  • Module 5: Identify the constraints of features and functionality related to Journal Entries/ Identify recommended practices for customer payment setup and processing
  • Module 6: Recognize which record to use as the basis of a search to yield a desired result/ Identify how exchange rates are used throughout NetSuite
  • Module 7: Identify the feature in saved searches to obtain the described results/ Given a scenario, select the appropriate Dashboard portlet content
  • Module 8: Using Expression Builder, select the expression which would yield the desired results/ Identify implications of changing field properties or values in a live environment
  • Module 9: Analyze an error in the CSV Import process to determine the appropriate resolution/ Given a scenario, determine appropriate inventory management options
  • Module 10: Recognize recommended NetSuite practices for creating and assigning custom roles/ Compare differences between custom form & field display options and uses cases where appropriate


Exam Name: NetSuite ERP Consultant Exam
Exam Code: ERP-Consultant
Related Certification(s): NetSuite Certifications
Certification Provider: NetSuite
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of ERP-Consultant practice questions in our database: 80 
Expected ERP-Consultant Exam Topics, as suggested by NetSuite :

  • Module 1: Given a requirement, determine the configuration/solution for an order process/ Identify the implications of shipping setup and use
  • Module 2: Determine the considerations for setup and execution of the fulfillment process/ Identify the transactions and records related to building Assemblies
  • Module 3: Identify configuration options available when customizing email alerts for saved searches/ Identify the Best Practices of setting up the NetSuite Chart of Accounts
  • Module 4: Identify how NetSuite Segments are handled in NetSuite, and when to use custom segments/ Organize the steps required to successfully complete an import of CSV records and sublist data
  • Module 5: Identify the constraints of features and functionality related to Journal Entries/ Identify recommended practices for customer payment setup and processing
  • Module 6: Recognize which record to use as the basis of a search to yield a desired result/ Identify how exchange rates are used throughout NetSuite
  • Module 7: Identify the feature in saved searches to obtain the described results/ Given a scenario, select the appropriate Dashboard portlet content
  • Module 8: Using Expression Builder, select the expression which would yield the desired results/ Identify implications of changing field properties or values in a live environment
  • Module 9: Analyze an error in the CSV Import process to determine the appropriate resolution/ Given a scenario, determine appropriate inventory management options
  • Module 10: Recognize recommended NetSuite practices for creating and assigning custom roles/ Compare differences between custom form & field display options and uses cases where appropriate


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Q1. Which statement is true regarding the import process of uploading CSV Templates?

A.Tax rates and Status can be overridden when uploading data via CSV templates.

B. All record types support CSV data imports using the Multiple Files To Upload functionality.

C. The Created From field can be set and overridden using CSV Imports.

D. Data Sets in CSV templates can be imported using column delimiters of Comma, Semicolon, Tab and Space.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. An inventory manager is trying to upload assembly items for the first time using the Multiple Files to Upload preference; however, they keep getting the error ''Please Select member items before submitting.'' How might the inventory manager troubleshoot the error?

A.Ensure that the item form is not set to Inactive when performing the import.

B. Ensure that member items values are greater than 1 in the Quantity field.

C. Review the mapping so that linked columns match correctly in the import.

D. Review Data Handling options and ensure that it is set to Update.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which portlet shows all bill pending your approval?


B. Reminder Portlet

C. Custom List

D. Custom Search

Correct Answer: B

Q4. An inventory manager is trying to upload assembly items for the first time using the Multiple Files to Upload preference; however, they keep getting the error ''Please Select member items before submitting.'' How might the inventory manager troubleshoot the error?

A.Ensure that the item form is not set to Inactive when performing the import.

B. Ensure that member items values are greater than 1 in the Quantity field.

C. Review the mapping so that linked columns match correctly in the import.

D. Review Data Handling options and ensure that it is set to Update.

Correct Answer: C

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