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NetApp NS0-403 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer
Exam Code: NS0-403
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer NCIE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-403 practice questions in our database: 60 

Expected NS0-403 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to implement data lakes for analytic pipelines/ Describe using DevOps principles
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how Kubernetes objects are related to NetApp products/ Scalable Hybrid Cloud Deployment Practices
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to implement automated persistent storage in containerized environments/ Describe how to use REST API’s
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to automate infrastructure for deep learning processes/ Persistent Storage for Containers
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to use NetApp storage platforms/products for data locality/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Automation
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of how to migrate data between an on-premises data center and a public cloud/ Advanced Infrastructure Scenarios
  • Module 7: Describe how to automate data services in infrastructure-as-code/ Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor Hybrid Cloud solutions
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of how to remediate Hybrid Cloud solutions/ Describe how to perform application management with Astra
  • Module 9: Describe processes within the software development lifecycle/ DevOps Methodologies


Exam Name: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer
Exam Code: NS0-403
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer NCIE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-403 practice questions in our database: 60 

Expected NS0-403 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to implement data lakes for analytic pipelines/ Describe using DevOps principles
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how Kubernetes objects are related to NetApp products/ Scalable Hybrid Cloud Deployment Practices
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to implement automated persistent storage in containerized environments/ Describe how to use REST API’s
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to automate infrastructure for deep learning processes/ Persistent Storage for Containers
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to use NetApp storage platforms/products for data locality/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Automation
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of how to migrate data between an on-premises data center and a public cloud/ Advanced Infrastructure Scenarios
  • Module 7: Describe how to automate data services in infrastructure-as-code/ Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor Hybrid Cloud solutions
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of how to remediate Hybrid Cloud solutions/ Describe how to perform application management with Astra
  • Module 9: Describe processes within the software development lifecycle/ DevOps Methodologies


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Q1. You are researching different automation frameworks. One of the main features that you are seeking is the ability to provide an end state of what a particular environment should look like versus needing to define each step that is required to get to the end state. In this scenario, which keyword should you be looking for as you research various automation frameworks?


B. declarative

C. interrogative

D. imperative

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which two definitions are true about data protection under Astra Control? (Choose two.)

A.A backup is stored in an object store in the cloud.

B. A snapshot is a point-in-time copy of an application that is stored on the same provisioned volume as the application.

C. A snapshot is stored in an object store in the cloud.

D. A backup is a point-in-time copy of an application that is stored on the same provisioned volume as the application.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A team compiles a group of artifacts locally. The team decides to allow an automatic process to deploy the compiled artifacts to a production server. In this scenario, which step was skipped in the DevOps process?

A.continuous builds

B. continuous delivery

C. continuous integration

D. continuous deployment

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Your organization is adopting DevOps techniques to accelerate the release times of your product. The organization wants to have more communication between teams, quick iterations, and a better method for training work in progress. In this scenario, which three methodologies would you recommend? (Choose three.)


B. agile

C. kanban

D. scrum

E. iterative

Correct Answer: B, C, D

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