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NetApp NS0-402 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer – NCHCIE
Exam Code: NS0-402
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-402 practice questions in our database: 58

Expected NS0-402 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to implement automated persistent storage using Trident/ Describe the types of automation methods
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of when to use persistent storage with containers/ Describe version control processes for code
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to use Ansible for NetApp deployment/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Automation
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor hybrid cloud solutions/ Describe the differences in DevOps versus traditional system administration
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of end-to-end deployment of hybrid cloud solutions/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring and Remediation
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of hybrid cloud problem remediation/ Demonstrate knowledge of using configuration files
  • Module 7: Describe NetApp Hybrid Cloud capabilities within the software development lifecycle/ Persistent Storage for Containers
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of high availability or fault tolerance capabilities in the NetApp Hybrid Cloud/ Scalable Hybrid Cloud Deployment
  • Module 9: Demonstrate knowledge of security or compliance deployment capabilities in a NetApp Hybrid Cloud/ Demonstrate knowledge of deploying a NetApp private cloud


Exam Name: NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer – NCHCIE
Exam Code: NS0-402
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Hybrid Cloud Implementation Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-402 practice questions in our database: 58

Expected NS0-402 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to implement automated persistent storage using Trident/ Describe the types of automation methods
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of when to use persistent storage with containers/ Describe version control processes for code
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to use Ansible for NetApp deployment/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Automation
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to monitor hybrid cloud solutions/ Describe the differences in DevOps versus traditional system administration
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of end-to-end deployment of hybrid cloud solutions/ Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring and Remediation
  • Module 6: Demonstrate knowledge of hybrid cloud problem remediation/ Demonstrate knowledge of using configuration files
  • Module 7: Describe NetApp Hybrid Cloud capabilities within the software development lifecycle/ Persistent Storage for Containers
  • Module 8: Demonstrate knowledge of high availability or fault tolerance capabilities in the NetApp Hybrid Cloud/ Scalable Hybrid Cloud Deployment
  • Module 9: Demonstrate knowledge of security or compliance deployment capabilities in a NetApp Hybrid Cloud/ Demonstrate knowledge of deploying a NetApp private cloud


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Q1. A customer has a legal requirement to hold data that has a 30-year retention period. The data cannot be modified when it is under hold. If the legal hold for any of the data ends, that data must be removed. In this scenario, what are two solutions that satisfy the customer's requirements? (Choose two.)

A.SnapLock Compliance enabled aggregate

B. SnapLock Enterprise enabled aggregate

C. Cloud Volumes ONTAP in GovCloud

D. NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP with WORM enabled

Correct Answer: A, D

Q2. You are deploying a new container application with persistent storage that is set up with StatefulSets storage. You are concerned about the number of persistent volumes during scale-up and scale-down activities. In this scenario, which statement is correct?

A.The number of persistent volumes will not increase and decrease automatically.

B. The number of persistent volumes will increase and decrease automatically.

C. The number of persistent volumes will increase and not decrease.

D. The number of persistent volumes will increase and then will decrease automatically if the data is not used after a defined period of time.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A software development team wants to adopt a new business process that allows a choice of coding language and does not require capital expenditure. In this scenario, which two cloud classifications would satisfy these conditions? (Choose two.)

A.Platform as a Service (PaaS)

B. Software as a Service (SaaS)

C. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

D. Testing as a Service (TaaS)

Correct Answer: A, C

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