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NetApp NS0-194 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetApp Certified Support Engineer Exam
Exam Code: NS0-194
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Support Engineer NCSE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-194 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected NS0-194 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot data access problems/ Identify data protection concepts
  • Module 2: Describe how ONTAP interacts with external components/ Demonstrate knowledge of data protection operations
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to collect and analyze information/ Describe ONTAP networking concepts
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of the hardware replacement process/ Describe disk or aggregate concepts
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to analyze performance/ Troubleshooting NetApp hardware and software
  • Module 6: Identify the components of a hybrid cloud solution/ Describe storage hardware technology
  • Module 7: Identify the components of cloud data services/ Describe supported ONTAP protocols
  • Module 8: Identify the FRUs in a NetApp system/ Identify ONTAP logging mechanisms
  • Module 9: NetApp cloud data services/ Describe compute technology/ Describe volume concepts


Exam Name: NetApp Certified Support Engineer Exam
Exam Code: NS0-194
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Support Engineer NCSE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-194 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected NS0-194 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot data access problems/ Identify data protection concepts
  • Module 2: Describe how ONTAP interacts with external components/ Demonstrate knowledge of data protection operations
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to collect and analyze information/ Describe ONTAP networking concepts
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of the hardware replacement process/ Describe disk or aggregate concepts
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to analyze performance/ Troubleshooting NetApp hardware and software
  • Module 6: Identify the components of a hybrid cloud solution/ Describe storage hardware technology
  • Module 7: Identify the components of cloud data services/ Describe supported ONTAP protocols
  • Module 8: Identify the FRUs in a NetApp system/ Identify ONTAP logging mechanisms
  • Module 9: NetApp cloud data services/ Describe compute technology/ Describe volume concepts


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Q1. You want to use the supported method to upgrade the ONTAP version of a Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance from ONTAP 9.5 to ONTAP 9.6. In this scenario, which NetApp tool accomplishes this task?

A.Cloud Manager

B. Cloud Insights

C. Active IQ Unified Manager

D. ONTAP System Manager

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A user can read and write some files on an NFS volume, but the user is unable to read all of the files in the volume. In this scenario, which command will help you troubleshoot this problem?

A.security login create

B. security audit show

C. vserver security trace filter create

D. vserver export-policy check-access

Correct Answer: C

Q3. The details from within Active IQ Cluster Viewer are downloadable in which three file formats? (Choose three.)






Correct Answer: A, B, C

Q4. You want to use the supported method to upgrade the ONTAP version of a Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance from ONTAP 9.5 to ONTAP 9.6. In this scenario, which NetApp tool accomplishes this task?

A.Cloud Manager

B. Cloud Insights

C. Active IQ Unified Manager

D. ONTAP System Manager

Correct Answer: D

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