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NetApp NS0-184 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP
Exam Code: NS0-184
Related Certification(s): NetApp Storage Installation Engineer NCSIE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-184 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected NS0-184 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe the process for handover of new ONTAP cluster installation to the customer/ Describe physical cabling of ONTAP nodes
  • Module 2: Describe support resources required for troubleshooting ONTAP installations/ Identify ONTAP cluster controller components
  • Module 3: Identify the software needed for cluster switch configuration/ Basic Installation Topics and Tools
  • Module 4: Describe how to add or remove nodes in an ONTAP cluster/ Describe the tools available to review an installation
  • Module 5: Describe the required tools or documentation for preparing the installation of a new ONTAP cluster/ Identify how to update ONTAP
  • Module 6: Describe the required steps for installation or expansion of an ONTAP cluster/ Describe how to implement security hardening
  • Module 7: Describe how to configure ONTAP system networking/ Identify how to create documentation
  • Module 8: Describe network types used with ONTAP clusters/ Describe how to set up cluster peering
  • Module 9: Describe cabling of a switched cluster/ Describe how to create aggregates


Exam Name: NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer, ONTAP
Exam Code: NS0-184
Related Certification(s): NetApp Storage Installation Engineer NCSIE Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-184 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected NS0-184 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe the process for handover of new ONTAP cluster installation to the customer/ Describe physical cabling of ONTAP nodes
  • Module 2: Describe support resources required for troubleshooting ONTAP installations/ Identify ONTAP cluster controller components
  • Module 3: Identify the software needed for cluster switch configuration/ Basic Installation Topics and Tools
  • Module 4: Describe how to add or remove nodes in an ONTAP cluster/ Describe the tools available to review an installation
  • Module 5: Describe the required tools or documentation for preparing the installation of a new ONTAP cluster/ Identify how to update ONTAP
  • Module 6: Describe the required steps for installation or expansion of an ONTAP cluster/ Describe how to implement security hardening
  • Module 7: Describe how to configure ONTAP system networking/ Identify how to create documentation
  • Module 8: Describe network types used with ONTAP clusters/ Describe how to set up cluster peering
  • Module 9: Describe cabling of a switched cluster/ Describe how to create aggregates


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Q1. You are setting up a peer relationship between two ONTAP clusters. In this scenario, which two statements are true regarding authentication?

A.Peering authentication status can be verified with the cluster peer show command.

B. Peering authentication can be configured using LDAP users and groups.

C. Peering authentication is required before enabling peering encryption.

D. Peering authentication can use an ONTAP generated passphrase.

Correct Answer: A, D

Q2. You want to use the NetAppDocs tool to collect information on a newly configured ONTAP 9.8 cluster and to generate a Word document with the details of the cluster configuration. Which two data sources would you use to collect the necessary data? (Choose two.)

A.Active IQ Digital Advisor

B. Active IQ Unified Manager

C. ONTAP Cluster

D. AutoSupport packages

Correct Answer: B, C

Q3. A customer is creating a new SVM to host iSCSI LUNs for a Hyper-V cluster. You need to successfully map the new LUNs and make them visible to the Hyper-V cluster. In this scenario, which host information is required to accomplish this task?




D. host names

Correct Answer: D

Q4. You are setting up a peer relationship between two ONTAP clusters. In this scenario, which two statements are true regarding authentication?

A.Peering authentication status can be verified with the cluster peer show command.

B. Peering authentication can be configured using LDAP users and groups.

C. Peering authentication is required before enabling peering encryption.

D. Peering authentication can use an ONTAP generated passphrase.

Correct Answer: A, D

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