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NetApp NS0-175 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design Specialist
Exam Code: NS0-175
Related Certification(s):

  • NetApp Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Certifications
  • NetApp FlexPod Certifications
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-175 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected NS0-175 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to install and configure the FlexPod components/ Describe the compute components supported in FlexPod
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to perform FlexPod troubleshooting/ FlexPod Troubleshooting
  • Module 3: Describe how to configure neworks in a UCS solution/ Information Gathering for FlexPod Solutions
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure storage in a FlexPod solution/ Demonstrate knowledge of how to install and upgrade the FlexPod solution
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to administer FlexPod solutions according to FlexPod best practices/ Describe the networking components supported in FlexPod
  • Module 6: Describe FlexPod management applications/ Describe the main FlexPod components
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure Cisco Nexus switches/ Describe knowledge of how to configure a service profile
  • Module 8: Describe how to configure SAN boot in a FlexPod solution/ FlexPod Administration
  • Module 9: Describe the storage components supported in FlexPod/ FlexPod Configuration/ FlexPod Design


Exam Name: Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Design Specialist
Exam Code: NS0-175
Related Certification(s):

  • NetApp Cisco and NetApp FlexPod Certifications
  • NetApp FlexPod Certifications
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-175 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected NS0-175 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Describe how to install and configure the FlexPod components/ Describe the compute components supported in FlexPod
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to perform FlexPod troubleshooting/ FlexPod Troubleshooting
  • Module 3: Describe how to configure neworks in a UCS solution/ Information Gathering for FlexPod Solutions
  • Module 4: Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure storage in a FlexPod solution/ Demonstrate knowledge of how to install and upgrade the FlexPod solution
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to administer FlexPod solutions according to FlexPod best practices/ Describe the networking components supported in FlexPod
  • Module 6: Describe FlexPod management applications/ Describe the main FlexPod components
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge of how to configure Cisco Nexus switches/ Describe knowledge of how to configure a service profile
  • Module 8: Describe how to configure SAN boot in a FlexPod solution/ FlexPod Administration
  • Module 9: Describe the storage components supported in FlexPod/ FlexPod Configuration/ FlexPod Design


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Q1. You are sizing a FlexPod Datacenter solution for multitenancy use. What are two important platform scaling considerations in this scenario? (Choose two.)

A.maximum NetApp ONTAP cluster limits

B. maximum NetApp ONTAP storage VM limits

C. maximum Cisco vPC interfaces between Fabric Interconnects

D. maximum Cisco L1, L2 interfaces between Fabric Interconnects

Correct Answer: A, D

Q2. You are developing a FlexPod solution with a MetroCluster IP as the storage solution. In this scenario, which two components are supported? (Choose two.)

A.NetApp AFF C190

B. Cisco Nexus 3524-X/XL

C. Cisco Nexus 3232C

D. NetApp AFF A400

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. You are asked to evaluate SaaS-based monitoring solutions for your FlexPod environment. Other than being SaaS-delivered, selection criteria include full lifecycle management, environment automation, and the ability to monitor third-party storage that is salted for retirement. In this scenario, which product satisfies the requirements?

A.NetApp Cloud Insights

B. NetApp OnCommand Insight

C. Cisco UCS Manager

D. Cisco Intersight

Correct Answer: A

Q4. A customer wants to use a Cisco Nexus 93180YC-FX switch to support the FC protocol for booting from SAN without having to deploy additional Cisco 900 Series MDS switches in their FlexPod Datacenter configuration. In this scenario, what is required for this solution?

A.The customer must enable the FC license on the 93180YC-FX switch

B. The customer must deploy the 93180YC-FX switch as part of a Cisco ACI fabric

C. The customer must directly connect the NetApp AFF system to the Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnects

D. The customer must add an expansion FC module to the 93180YC-FX switch

Correct Answer: C

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