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NetApp NS0-162 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP
Exam Code: NS0-162
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Data Administrator NCDA Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-162 practice questions in our database: 89 
Expected NS0-162 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot NAS solutions/ Describe ONTAP system management
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot storage system performance/ Describe knowledge of physical storage systems
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot network components/ Describe software-defined on-premises or cloud storage systems
  • Module 4: Describe how to upgrade or scale ONTAP clusters/ Describe how to manage Storage Virtual Machines (SVM)
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to administer ONTAP performance/ Describe how to use logical storage features
  • Module 6: Describe how to use ONTAP data protection solutions/ Describe NetApp storage efficiency features
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot SAN solutions/ Describe NetApp ONTAP Data Fabric solutions
  • Module 8: Describe inflight or at rest encryption/ Describe high availability concepts/ Describe how to use network components
  • Module 9: Identify MetroCluster concepts/ SAN Solutions and Connectivity/ Describe how to use SAN solutions
  • Module 10: Describe how to use NAS solutions/ Identify SnapLock concepts/ Describe how to use SnapMirror


Exam Name: NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP
Exam Code: NS0-162
Related Certification(s): NetApp Certified Data Administrator NCDA Certification
Certification Provider: NetApp
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of NS0-162 practice questions in our database: 89 
Expected NS0-162 Exam Topics, as suggested by NetApp :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot NAS solutions/ Describe ONTAP system management
  • Module 2: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot storage system performance/ Describe knowledge of physical storage systems
  • Module 3: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot network components/ Describe software-defined on-premises or cloud storage systems
  • Module 4: Describe how to upgrade or scale ONTAP clusters/ Describe how to manage Storage Virtual Machines (SVM)
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to administer ONTAP performance/ Describe how to use logical storage features
  • Module 6: Describe how to use ONTAP data protection solutions/ Describe NetApp storage efficiency features
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot SAN solutions/ Describe NetApp ONTAP Data Fabric solutions
  • Module 8: Describe inflight or at rest encryption/ Describe high availability concepts/ Describe how to use network components
  • Module 9: Identify MetroCluster concepts/ SAN Solutions and Connectivity/ Describe how to use SAN solutions
  • Module 10: Describe how to use NAS solutions/ Identify SnapLock concepts/ Describe how to use SnapMirror


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Q1. Which command parameter will result in a thin-provisioned LUN?

A.-space-allocation enabled

B. -space-reservation disabled

C. -space-gurantee none

D. -space-guarantee volume

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which command parameter will result in a thin-provisioned LUN?

A.-space-allocation enabled

B. -space-reservation disabled

C. -space-gurantee none

D. -space-guarantee volume

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Due to the increasing threat of ransomware, you must implement a secure and fast solution to recover files in your ONTAP cluster. The users should be able to recover their files from their Windows Desktop. In this scenario, which two steps fulfill this requirement? (Choose two.)

A.Ensure that there is a Snapshot copy schedule for every volume containing files.

B. Ensure that the option to show previous versions on the SVM Is activated.

C. Ensure that the option to copy a FlexClone of each volume containing files is activated.

D. Ensure that the option to show previous versions on each share is activated.

Correct Answer: B, D

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