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MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect – Level 1 MAINTENANCE
Exam Code: MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance practice questions in our database: 80
Expected MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Identify KPIs to measure the success of a C4E/ Select Anypoint Platform identity management vs client management for the correct purpose
  • Module 2: Break down functional requirements into business-aligned APIs with effective granularity/ Identify idempotent HTTP methods and HTTP-native support for optimistic concurrency
  • Module 3: Describe the metrics collected by Anypoint Platform for API invocations/ Specify alerts to define for key metrics of API invocations for all layers of API-led connectivity
  • Module 4: Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks/ Explain MuleSoft’s proposal for closing the IT delivery gap
  • Module 5: Governing APIs on Anypoint Platform/ Select appropriate API policies to enforce non-functional constraints on API invocations
  • Module 6: Identify when redeployment of API implementations is necessary/ Compare unit and integration tests and specify where MUnit is best employed
  • Module 7: Identify the factors involved in scaling API performance/ Select strategies that help API clients guard against failures in API invocations
  • Module 8: Select CloudHub worker sizes and configuration as appropriate/ Specify how and when to promote APIs with API Manager
  • Module 9: Identify single points of failure in typical CloudHub usage/ Identify the components of Anypoint Platform that generate data for monitoring and alerting
  • Module  10: Describe the purpose and roles of a Center for Enablement (C4E)/ Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform
  • Module 11: Identify changes to an API that would require or not require a major version increment/ Explain how to register an API client for access to an API version
  • Module 12: Correctly use the terms API, API implementation, API client, API consumer, and API invocation/ Describe the fundamentals of deployments, networking, and routing on CloudHub


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect – Level 1 MAINTENANCE
Exam Code: MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance practice questions in our database: 80
Expected MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Identify KPIs to measure the success of a C4E/ Select Anypoint Platform identity management vs client management for the correct purpose
  • Module 2: Break down functional requirements into business-aligned APIs with effective granularity/ Identify idempotent HTTP methods and HTTP-native support for optimistic concurrency
  • Module 3: Describe the metrics collected by Anypoint Platform for API invocations/ Specify alerts to define for key metrics of API invocations for all layers of API-led connectivity
  • Module 4: Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks/ Explain MuleSoft’s proposal for closing the IT delivery gap
  • Module 5: Governing APIs on Anypoint Platform/ Select appropriate API policies to enforce non-functional constraints on API invocations
  • Module 6: Identify when redeployment of API implementations is necessary/ Compare unit and integration tests and specify where MUnit is best employed
  • Module 7: Identify the factors involved in scaling API performance/ Select strategies that help API clients guard against failures in API invocations
  • Module 8: Select CloudHub worker sizes and configuration as appropriate/ Specify how and when to promote APIs with API Manager
  • Module 9: Identify single points of failure in typical CloudHub usage/ Identify the components of Anypoint Platform that generate data for monitoring and alerting
  • Module  10: Describe the purpose and roles of a Center for Enablement (C4E)/ Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform
  • Module 11: Identify changes to an API that would require or not require a major version increment/ Explain how to register an API client for access to an API version
  • Module 12: Correctly use the terms API, API implementation, API client, API consumer, and API invocation/ Describe the fundamentals of deployments, networking, and routing on CloudHub


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Q1. What Anypoint Platform Capabilities listed below fall under APIs and API Invocations/Consumers category? Select TWO.

A.API Operations and Management

B. API Runtime Execution and Hosting

C. API Consumer Engagement

D. API Design and Development

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What are 4 important Platform Capabilities offered by Anypoint Platform?

A.API Versioning, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Invocation, API Consumer Engagement

B. API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Versioning, API Deprecation

C. API Design and Development, API Runtime Execution and Hosting, API Operations and Management, API Consumer Engagement

D. API Design and Development, API Deprecation, API Versioning, API Consumer Engagement

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Select the correct Owner-Layer combinations from below options

A.1. App Developers owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs 2. Central IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs 3. LOB IT owns and focuses on System Layer APIs

B. 1. Central IT owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs 2. LOB IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs 3. App Developers owns and focuses on System Layer APIs

C. 1. App Developers owns and focuses on Experience Layer APIs 2. LOB IT owns and focuses on Process Layer APIs 3. Central IT owns and focuses on System Layer APIs

Correct Answer: C

Q4. True or False. We should always make sure that the APIs being designed and developed are self-servable even if it needs more man-day effort and resources.



Correct Answer: B

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