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MuleSoft MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect – Level 1 MAINTENANCE
Exam Code: MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance practice questions in our database: 116 
Expected MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Select deployment options of the Anypoint Platform control plane and runtime plane/ Initiating integration solutions on Anypoint Platform
  • Module 2: Describe the characteristics and implications of the Mule 4 reactive event processing model/ Designing for the runtime plane technology architecture
  • Module 3: Create high-level integration architectures using event-driven APIs and message brokers/ Create high-level integration architectures using API-led Connectivity
  • Module 4: Select and use the available sources of metadata in the Transform Message component/ Select among available options for setting Mule application properties
  • Module 5: Select alternatives to traditional transactions (local or XA) where appropriate and beneficial/ Design unit test suites using MUnit and Studio’s related features
  • Module 6: Design Mule applications using core routers available to all Mule applications/ Design Mule applications using common features of core connectors
  • Module 7: Analyze and counteract potential security vulnerabilities of Mule applications/ Designing integration solutions to meet security requirements
  • Module 8: Designing architecture using integration paradigms/ Create high-level integration architectures using web APIs and HTTP
  • Module 9: Describe the fundamental features of the Salesforce connector/ Correctly apply methods for validating data in Mule applications
  • Module 10: Designing integration solutions to meet performance requirements/ Design Mule applications using available streaming features in Mule
  • Module 11: Design secure access to the Anypoint Platform control plane and APIs/ Recognize the audit logging capabilities of Anypoint Platform
  • Module 12: Designing integration solutions to meet reliability requirements/ Design Mule applications and integration solutions to meet performance and capacity goals


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect – Level 1 MAINTENANCE
Exam Code: MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 45 Minutes
Number of MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance practice questions in our database: 116 
Expected MCIA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Select deployment options of the Anypoint Platform control plane and runtime plane/ Initiating integration solutions on Anypoint Platform
  • Module 2: Describe the characteristics and implications of the Mule 4 reactive event processing model/ Designing for the runtime plane technology architecture
  • Module 3: Create high-level integration architectures using event-driven APIs and message brokers/ Create high-level integration architectures using API-led Connectivity
  • Module 4: Select and use the available sources of metadata in the Transform Message component/ Select among available options for setting Mule application properties
  • Module 5: Select alternatives to traditional transactions (local or XA) where appropriate and beneficial/ Design unit test suites using MUnit and Studio’s related features
  • Module 6: Design Mule applications using core routers available to all Mule applications/ Design Mule applications using common features of core connectors
  • Module 7: Analyze and counteract potential security vulnerabilities of Mule applications/ Designing integration solutions to meet security requirements
  • Module 8: Designing architecture using integration paradigms/ Create high-level integration architectures using web APIs and HTTP
  • Module 9: Describe the fundamental features of the Salesforce connector/ Correctly apply methods for validating data in Mule applications
  • Module 10: Designing integration solutions to meet performance requirements/ Design Mule applications using available streaming features in Mule
  • Module 11: Design secure access to the Anypoint Platform control plane and APIs/ Recognize the audit logging capabilities of Anypoint Platform
  • Module 12: Designing integration solutions to meet reliability requirements/ Design Mule applications and integration solutions to meet performance and capacity goals


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Q1. A company is designing a mule application to consume batch data from a partner's ftps server The data files have been compressed and then digitally signed using PGP. What inputs are required for the application to securely consumed these files?

A.ATLS context Key Store requiring the private key and certificate for the company PGP public key of partner PGP private key for the company

B. ATLS context first store containing a public certificate for partner ftps server and the PGP public key of the partner TLS contact Key Store containing the FTP credentials

C. TLS context trust or containing a public certificate for the ftps server The FTP username and password The PGP public key of the partner

D. The PGP public key of the partner The PGP private key for the company The FTP username and password

Correct Answer: D

Q2. As a part of design , Mule application is required call the Google Maps API to perform a distance computation. The application is deployed to cloudhub. At the minimum what should be configured in the TLS context of the HTTP request configuration to meet these requirements?

A.The configuration is built-in and nothing extra is required for the TLS context

B. Request a private key from Google and create a PKCS12 file with it and add it in keyStore as a part of TLS context

C. Download the Google public certificate from a browser, generate JKS file from it and add it in key store as a part of TLS context

D. Download the Google public certificate from a browser, generate a JKS file from it and add it in Truststore as part of the TLS context

Correct Answer: A

Q3. A mule application is required to periodically process large data set from a back-end database to Salesforce CRM using batch job scope configured properly process the higher rate of records. The application is deployed to two cloudhub workers with no persistence queues enabled. What is the consequence if the worker crashes during records processing?

A.Remaining records will be processed by a new replacement worker

B. Remaining records be processed by second worker

C. Remaining records will be left and processed

D. All the records will be processed from scratch by the second worker leading to duplicate processing

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A mule application designed to fulfil two requirements a) Processing files are synchronously from an FTPS server to a back-end database using VM intermediary queues for load balancing VM events b) Processing a medium rate of records from a source to a target system using batch job scope Considering the processing reliability requirements for FTPS files, how should VM queues be configured for processing files as well as for the batch job scope if the application is deployed to Cloudhub workers?

A.Use Cloud hub persistent queues for FTPS files processing There is no need to configure VM queues for the batch jobs scope as it uses by default the worker's disc for VM queueing

B. Use Cloud hub persistent VM queue for FTPS file processing There is no need to configure VM queues for the batch jobs scope as it uses by default the worker's JVM memory for VM queueing

C. Use Cloud hub persistent VM queues for FTPS file processing Disable VM queue for the batch job scope

D. Use VM connector persistent queues for FTPS file processing Disable VM queue for the batch job scope

Correct Answer: C

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