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MuleSoft MCD-Level1-Delta Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4) DELTA
Exam Code: MCD-Level1-Delta
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Number of MCD-Level1-Delta practice questions in our database: 101 
Expected MCD-Level1-Delta Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Creating Application Networks: This section elaborates on MuleSoft’s proposition to bridge the IT delivery disparity and also measures skills to outline the functions and attributes of the contemporary API. Moreover, measures the understanding of the objectives and functions of a Center for Enablement (C4E) and the benefits of API-led connectivity.
  • Module 2: Designing APIs: This section illustrates the journey of the contemporary API from inception to maturity. It also tests your ability to employ RAML to delineate API resources, nested resources, and methods. It measures the use of RAML to articulate API requests and responses.
  • Module 3: Accessing and modifying Mule events: Measures skills related to understanding the structure of the Mule event data. Also measures the skill to utilize transformers to establish payloads and variables within the event.
  • Module 4: Structuring Mule applications: Measures the ability to parameterize an application by employing property placeholders. The section covers recycling universal configurations within an application.
  • Module 5: Building API implementation interfaces: This section covers creating a RESTful interface for a Mule application manually. Also, creating a REST Connector based on a RAML specification, and explaining the functionalities and advantages of APIkit.
  • Module 6: Using Connectors: Measures skills related to fetching information from a database utilizing the Database connector. Also, crafting SQL queries with parameters for the Database connector, and accessing data from a REST service using either an HTTP Request or a REST Connector.
  • Module 7: Processing records: This section covers analyzing the techniques for handling individual records within a collection and illustrating the processing mechanism of Mule events within the For Each scope. Also covers leveraging the For Each scope to handle records.
  • Module 8: Transforming data with DataWeave: This section covers composing DataWeave scripts for transforming JSON, XML, and Java data structures into diverse data structures. Also covers leveraging DataWeave functions for this purpose.
  • Module 9: Routing events: This section is about utilizing the Choice router to direct events depending on conditional logic. Covers employing the Scatter-Gather router to distribute events to multiple destinations and verify data integrity through the Validation module.
  • Module 10: Handling errors: This section explains the standard error management process within a Mule application establishing a personalized global default error handler for an application and specifying its usage scenarios.
  • Module 11: Debugging and troubleshooting Mule applications: This section covers examining a Mule event in real-time using breakpoints and adding any absent Maven dependencies.
  • Module 12: Deploying and managing APIs and integrations: This section covers preparing Mule applications for deployment and uploading applications to CloudHub. Also covers leveraging CloudHub properties for seamless deployment.


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4) DELTA
Exam Code: MCD-Level1-Delta
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Number of MCD-Level1-Delta practice questions in our database: 101 
Expected MCD-Level1-Delta Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Creating Application Networks: This section elaborates on MuleSoft’s proposition to bridge the IT delivery disparity and also measures skills to outline the functions and attributes of the contemporary API. Moreover, measures the understanding of the objectives and functions of a Center for Enablement (C4E) and the benefits of API-led connectivity.
  • Module 2: Designing APIs: This section illustrates the journey of the contemporary API from inception to maturity. It also tests your ability to employ RAML to delineate API resources, nested resources, and methods. It measures the use of RAML to articulate API requests and responses.
  • Module 3: Accessing and modifying Mule events: Measures skills related to understanding the structure of the Mule event data. Also measures the skill to utilize transformers to establish payloads and variables within the event.
  • Module 4: Structuring Mule applications: Measures the ability to parameterize an application by employing property placeholders. The section covers recycling universal configurations within an application.
  • Module 5: Building API implementation interfaces: This section covers creating a RESTful interface for a Mule application manually. Also, creating a REST Connector based on a RAML specification, and explaining the functionalities and advantages of APIkit.
  • Module 6: Using Connectors: Measures skills related to fetching information from a database utilizing the Database connector. Also, crafting SQL queries with parameters for the Database connector, and accessing data from a REST service using either an HTTP Request or a REST Connector.
  • Module 7: Processing records: This section covers analyzing the techniques for handling individual records within a collection and illustrating the processing mechanism of Mule events within the For Each scope. Also covers leveraging the For Each scope to handle records.
  • Module 8: Transforming data with DataWeave: This section covers composing DataWeave scripts for transforming JSON, XML, and Java data structures into diverse data structures. Also covers leveraging DataWeave functions for this purpose.
  • Module 9: Routing events: This section is about utilizing the Choice router to direct events depending on conditional logic. Covers employing the Scatter-Gather router to distribute events to multiple destinations and verify data integrity through the Validation module.
  • Module 10: Handling errors: This section explains the standard error management process within a Mule application establishing a personalized global default error handler for an application and specifying its usage scenarios.
  • Module 11: Debugging and troubleshooting Mule applications: This section covers examining a Mule event in real-time using breakpoints and adding any absent Maven dependencies.
  • Module 12: Deploying and managing APIs and integrations: This section covers preparing Mule applications for deployment and uploading applications to CloudHub. Also covers leveraging CloudHub properties for seamless deployment.


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