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MuleSoft MCD-Level-2 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 2 (Mule 4)
Exam Code: MCD-Level-2
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Number of MCD-Level-2 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected MCD-Level-2 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Expose production-ready Anypoint Platform-managed APIs from Mule applications: It discusses specific API-related artifacts, out-of-the-box (OOTB) API policies, HTTP callbacks (webhooks), and performing API auto-discovery. Moreover, the topic focuses on using API policies to implement server-side caching of API invocations.
  • Module 2: Implement maintainable and modular Mule applications and their Maven builds: This topic measures your knowledge related to implementing Maven-based automated deployment to Mule runtimes, implementing unit tests with the MUnit framework and tooling, and using the Mule SDK or XML SDK to implement custom message. It also covers sub-topics of executing MUnit tests with Maven and building custom API policies.
  • Module 3: Implement monitorable Mule applications: It focuses on healthcheck endpoints, effective logging, log levels, Mule applications, and Mule runtimes. Additionally, the topic discusses how to implement message correlation, including persistence and propagation of correlation IDs over HTTP.
  • Module 4: Implement performant and reliable Mule applications: It discusses implementation of ObjectStore persistence for all Mule deployment options, fault-tolerant, fault-tolerant invocations of HTTP-based APIs, compensating transactions, and client-side caching. The topic also tests knowledge related to using scatter-gather, validating messages and assertions.
  • Module 5: Secure data at rest and in transit: The topic measures knowledge of implementing secure, environment-dependent properties management, TLS mutual authentication, and API invocations. Questions about keys and certificates also appear in this topic.


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 2 (Mule 4)
Exam Code: MCD-Level-2
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Number of MCD-Level-2 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected MCD-Level-2 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Expose production-ready Anypoint Platform-managed APIs from Mule applications: It discusses specific API-related artifacts, out-of-the-box (OOTB) API policies, HTTP callbacks (webhooks), and performing API auto-discovery. Moreover, the topic focuses on using API policies to implement server-side caching of API invocations.
  • Module 2: Implement maintainable and modular Mule applications and their Maven builds: This topic measures your knowledge related to implementing Maven-based automated deployment to Mule runtimes, implementing unit tests with the MUnit framework and tooling, and using the Mule SDK or XML SDK to implement custom message. It also covers sub-topics of executing MUnit tests with Maven and building custom API policies.
  • Module 3: Implement monitorable Mule applications: It focuses on healthcheck endpoints, effective logging, log levels, Mule applications, and Mule runtimes. Additionally, the topic discusses how to implement message correlation, including persistence and propagation of correlation IDs over HTTP.
  • Module 4: Implement performant and reliable Mule applications: It discusses implementation of ObjectStore persistence for all Mule deployment options, fault-tolerant, fault-tolerant invocations of HTTP-based APIs, compensating transactions, and client-side caching. The topic also tests knowledge related to using scatter-gather, validating messages and assertions.
  • Module 5: Secure data at rest and in transit: The topic measures knowledge of implementing secure, environment-dependent properties management, TLS mutual authentication, and API invocations. Questions about keys and certificates also appear in this topic.


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Q1. A company has been using CI/CD. Its developers use Maven to handle build and deployment activities. What is the correct sequence of activities that takes place during the Maven build and deployment?

A.Initialize, validate, compute, test, package, verify, install, deploy

B. Validate, initialize, compile, package, test, install, verify, verify, deploy

C. Validate, initialize, compile, test package, verify, install, deploy

D. Validation, initialize, compile, test, package, install verify, deploy

Correct Answer: C

Q2. The Center for Enablement team published a common application as a reusable module to the central Nexus repository. How can the common application be included in all API implementations?

A.Download the common application from Naxus and copy it to the src/main/resources folder in the API

B. Copy the common application's source XML file and out it in a new flow file in the src/main/mule folder

C. Add a Maven dependency in the PCM file with multiple-plugin as

D. Add a Maven dependency in the POM file with jar as

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A developer has created the first version of an API designed for business partners to work commodity prices. What should developer do to allow more than one major version of the same API to be exposed by the implementation?

A.In Design Center, open the RAML and modify each operation to include the major version number

B. In Anypoint Studio, generate scaffolding from the RAML, and the modify the in the generated flows to include a parameter to replace the version number

C. In Design Center, open the RAML and modify baseUn to include a variable that indicates the version number

D. In Anypoint Studio, generate scaffolding from the RAML, and then modify the flow names generated by APIKit to include a variable with the major version number

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which command is used to convert a JKS keystore to PKCS12?

A.Keytool-importkeystore --srckeystore keystore p12-srcstoretype PKCS12 --destkeystore keystore.jks --deststoretype JKS

B. Keytool-importkeystore --srckeystore keystore p12-srcstoretype JKS --destkeystore keystore.p12 --deststoretype PKCS12

C. Keytool-importkeystore --srckeystore keystore jks-srcstoretype JKS --destkeystore keystore.p13 --deststoretype PKCS12

D. Keytool-importkeystore --srckeystore keystore jks-srcstoretype PKCS12 --destkeystore keystore.p12 --deststoretype JKS

Correct Answer: B

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