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MuleSoft MCD-Level-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4)
Exam Code: MCD-Level-1
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of MCD-Level-1 practice questions in our database: 235 
Expected MCD-Level-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Describe the default error handling in a Mule application/ Describe the role and characteristics of the “modern API.”
  • Module 2: Describe how requests are routed through flows generated by APIkit/ Identify when and how to define query parameters vs URI parameters
  • Module 3: Manually create a RESTful interface for a Mule application/ Explain MuleSoft’s proposal for closing the IT delivery gap
  • Module 4: Use transformers to set event payloads, attributes, and variables/ Describe the purpose and roles of a Center for Enablement (C4E)
  • Module 5: Define and reuse global configurations in an application/ Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks
  • Module 6: Use APIkit to create implementation flows from a RAML file/ Use RAML to define API resources, nested resources, and methods
  • Module 7: Parameterize an application using property placeholders/ Describe the basics of the HTTP protocol and the characteristics of requests and responses
  • Module 8: Use the Try scope to specify error handlers for one or more event processors/ Use RAML to define reusable data types and format-independent examples
  • Module 9: Use RAML to define API parameters, requests, and responses/ Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform for the API lifecycle
  • Module 10: Compare and contrast how the On Error Continue and On Error Propagate scopes work/ Describe the lifecycle of the “modern API.”
  • Module 11: Use the Choice router to route events based on conditional logic/ Enrich Mule events using target parameters


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 (Mule 4)
Exam Code: MCD-Level-1
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of MCD-Level-1 practice questions in our database: 235 
Expected MCD-Level-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Describe the default error handling in a Mule application/ Describe the role and characteristics of the “modern API.”
  • Module 2: Describe how requests are routed through flows generated by APIkit/ Identify when and how to define query parameters vs URI parameters
  • Module 3: Manually create a RESTful interface for a Mule application/ Explain MuleSoft’s proposal for closing the IT delivery gap
  • Module 4: Use transformers to set event payloads, attributes, and variables/ Describe the purpose and roles of a Center for Enablement (C4E)
  • Module 5: Define and reuse global configurations in an application/ Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks
  • Module 6: Use APIkit to create implementation flows from a RAML file/ Use RAML to define API resources, nested resources, and methods
  • Module 7: Parameterize an application using property placeholders/ Describe the basics of the HTTP protocol and the characteristics of requests and responses
  • Module 8: Use the Try scope to specify error handlers for one or more event processors/ Use RAML to define reusable data types and format-independent examples
  • Module 9: Use RAML to define API parameters, requests, and responses/ Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform for the API lifecycle
  • Module 10: Compare and contrast how the On Error Continue and On Error Propagate scopes work/ Describe the lifecycle of the “modern API.”
  • Module 11: Use the Choice router to route events based on conditional logic/ Enrich Mule events using target parameters


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