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Marketo MCE Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Marketo Certified Expert Exam
Exam Code: MCE
Related Certification(s): Marketo Certified Expert Certification
Certification Provider: Marketo
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of MCE practice questions in our database: 75
Expected MCE Exam Topics, as suggested by Marketo :

  • Module 1: Identify junk data, learn about merge/de-dupe:Working with Duplicate Leads/ Control your Lead Database: Data Management
  • Module 2: Understand standard system Smart Lists and create Smart Lists to segment leads/ Customer Data, Leads and Lists Topics
  • Module 3: Basics of Marketo Program Campaign flows: basic email, auto response, lead nurture, webinar/ Import lists needed for marketing programs
  • Module 4: Define a foldering and naming protocol consistent with Marketo’s best practices/ Configure fields for data integrity Create a Program Channel
  • Module 5: Build Smart Lists and start segmenting: Create and Change Views for Lists and Smart Lists/ Upload a list of leads: Import a List of Leads
  • Module 6: Learn how a lead status goes from anonymous to known and how to change a lead status/ Create a custom view of leads: Custom Tab for Lead Detail
  • Module 7: How to send out an email when a lead fills out a form: Email Auto Response/ Configure email settings:Block Field Overwrites: Identify which Fields should not Overwrite
  • Module 8: Set, create, and edit user roles and assign them to users: Managing User Roles and Permissions/ Renaming Marketo Assets: Rename Marketo Assets
  • Module 9: Know about Channelsand TagsIgnored Fields and Blocked Field Updates during List Import/ Add social tools to landing pages:Social buttons
  • Module 10: Event Management with Marketo: Understanding Event Programs/ What are my leads doing: How to Review the Activity Log
  • Module 11: Set up a logical, scalable foldering system: Understanding Local Assets in a Program/ Upload images and files, or grab them from the web
  • Module 12: Working with Channels: Create a Program Channel/ Check a lead’s activity: Reviewing Lead Details


Exam Name: Marketo Certified Expert Exam
Exam Code: MCE
Related Certification(s): Marketo Certified Expert Certification
Certification Provider: Marketo
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of MCE practice questions in our database: 75
Expected MCE Exam Topics, as suggested by Marketo :

  • Module 1: Identify junk data, learn about merge/de-dupe:Working with Duplicate Leads/ Control your Lead Database: Data Management
  • Module 2: Understand standard system Smart Lists and create Smart Lists to segment leads/ Customer Data, Leads and Lists Topics
  • Module 3: Basics of Marketo Program Campaign flows: basic email, auto response, lead nurture, webinar/ Import lists needed for marketing programs
  • Module 4: Define a foldering and naming protocol consistent with Marketo’s best practices/ Configure fields for data integrity Create a Program Channel
  • Module 5: Build Smart Lists and start segmenting: Create and Change Views for Lists and Smart Lists/ Upload a list of leads: Import a List of Leads
  • Module 6: Learn how a lead status goes from anonymous to known and how to change a lead status/ Create a custom view of leads: Custom Tab for Lead Detail
  • Module 7: How to send out an email when a lead fills out a form: Email Auto Response/ Configure email settings:Block Field Overwrites: Identify which Fields should not Overwrite
  • Module 8: Set, create, and edit user roles and assign them to users: Managing User Roles and Permissions/ Renaming Marketo Assets: Rename Marketo Assets
  • Module 9: Know about Channelsand TagsIgnored Fields and Blocked Field Updates during List Import/ Add social tools to landing pages:Social buttons
  • Module 10: Event Management with Marketo: Understanding Event Programs/ What are my leads doing: How to Review the Activity Log
  • Module 11: Set up a logical, scalable foldering system: Understanding Local Assets in a Program/ Upload images and files, or grab them from the web
  • Module 12: Working with Channels: Create a Program Channel/ Check a lead’s activity: Reviewing Lead Details


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Q1. What is the purpose of a default value in a token?

A.To display values like current Date/Time

B. To show a value if a lead's referenced field is empty

C. To refer to the name or description of a program

D. To create custom variables at the Campaign Folder or Program level

Correct Answer: C

Q2. An engagement program has a group of leads that a marketer no longer wants to send emails. Removing leads from the program also causes which data to be removed?

A.Email performance

B. Changes to the engagement program cadence

C. Lead score

D. Contribution to the engagement score

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What needs to be done to track the success of programs using a custom channel?

A.Ensure forms are local to the program

B. Upload the list of attendees to a list in the program

C. Ensure that program statuses are being updated

D. Include a ''Responded'' program status

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An engagement program has a group of leads that a marketer no longer wants to send emails. Removing leads from the program also causes which data to be removed?

A.Email performance

B. Changes to the engagement program cadence

C. Lead score

D. Contribution to the engagement score

Correct Answer: B

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