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Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer
Exam Code: Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer
Related Certification(s): Magento Cloud Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Magento
Number of Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer practice questions in our database: 60 


Exam Name: Magento Certified Professional Cloud Developer
Exam Code: Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer
Related Certification(s): Magento Cloud Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Magento
Number of Magento-Certified-Professional-Cloud-Developer practice questions in our database: 60 


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Q1. You migrated a live On-Premise application to Magento Commerce Cloud Pro. The performance on Staging and Production is fine However, the internal testing team notices overall performance degradation on the Integration environment Why is this happening?

A.The Integration branch uses Platform-as-a-Service shared resources

B. Xdebug Is always enabled on the Integration branch

C. The Staging and Production environments are consuming all available resources

D. The Integration branch services have not been optimized In the .magento/services.yaml file

Correct Answer: C

Q2. You need to get code with a backend order placement security related fix into production as quickly as possible. The project currently deploys static content during the build phase with both stags/global/SKIP_SCD and stage/deploy/STATIC_STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK set to false. What setting in .magento,env,yaml minimizes the overall deployment time?

A.Remove all themes from stages/global/SCD_MATRIX so they will not be generated

B. Set stage/global/Static_CONTENT_SYMLINK to true to symlink static assets to the init directory

C. Set stage/global/SCD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL to 0 to avoid the compression overhead

D. Set stage/global/SKIP_SCD to true to completely avoid static content processing

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You are testing an integration to an external service that requires you to configure an access key in an environment variable. You created a new environment to validate the functionality The variable must only impact this environment How do you configure the variable?

A.Use the magento-cloud CLl utility with the environment inheritable and level flags

B. Add the variable to the variables section under Project Settings specifying inheritance level

C. Add the variable to the .magento.env.yaml file specifying the environment and inheritable

D. Use vendor/bin/ece-tools to generate a local config.phpfile and commit the setting

Correct Answer: B

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