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Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist
Exam Code: Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist
Related Certification(s): Magento Solution Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Magento
Number of Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Topics, as suggested by Magento :

  • Module 1: Building a good user experience in ecommerce–bestpractices/ Magento Business Intelligence reporting
  • Module 2: Display of product catalogs in websites, stores, and store views/ Usability principles and issues in ecommerce
  • Module 3: What are the differences between customer segments and customer groups?/ Third-party integrationswith MagentoOpen Sourceand MagentoCommerce
  • Module 4: What are the two ways of installing an extension in Magento 2?/ Catalogprice rules, Shopping cart price rules, Product relations
  • Module 5: Administration of websites, stores,and store views/ Product attributes and attribute sets
  • Module 6: Navigation best practices/ Differences between Magento 1 and Magento 2 integration options
  • Module 7: Wish list shopping cart options/ Advantages and disadvantages of eachedition/ Complex inventory management, Drop ship, Buy-on-line
  • Module 8: Requirements gathering techniques, Determining client needs


Exam Name: Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist
Exam Code: Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist
Related Certification(s): Magento Solution Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Magento
Number of Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Topics, as suggested by Magento :

  • Module 1: Building a good user experience in ecommerce–bestpractices/ Magento Business Intelligence reporting
  • Module 2: Display of product catalogs in websites, stores, and store views/ Usability principles and issues in ecommerce
  • Module 3: What are the differences between customer segments and customer groups?/ Third-party integrationswith MagentoOpen Sourceand MagentoCommerce
  • Module 4: What are the two ways of installing an extension in Magento 2?/ Catalogprice rules, Shopping cart price rules, Product relations
  • Module 5: Administration of websites, stores,and store views/ Product attributes and attribute sets
  • Module 6: Navigation best practices/ Differences between Magento 1 and Magento 2 integration options
  • Module 7: Wish list shopping cart options/ Advantages and disadvantages of eachedition/ Complex inventory management, Drop ship, Buy-on-line
  • Module 8: Requirements gathering techniques, Determining client needs


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Q1. A Magento Open Source merchant sell toys and gift and wants to improve the experience on their website. The merchant wants to avoid extensions or customization. How is this achieved?

A.Enable the Gift Registry and allow customers to create a public Registry accessible by direct URL

B. Enable Wishlist functionality so customers can share a list for holidays or special occasions

C. Create a configuration Gift Card product available for online redemption.

D. Enable anonymous RMA to allow customer to return gifts without informing the original buyer

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A merchant sells low-priced items and has a high average number of items per order. Once a customer has over five items in their cart, the mini-cart increases in height and difficult to navigate on module. How do you improve the mini-cart user experience using native Magento features?

A.Enable mini-cart pagination

B. This requires a customization

C. Disable the min-cart

D. Limit the number of items visible and hide the scrollbar

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You are building policies for a merchant to ensure PCI compliance website. What two action items do you write in the policy to maintain PCI compliance?

A.Purge all webserver visitor access logs after 30 days

B. All critical patches must be applied within 30 days or less of their availability

C. admin users must have their own login credentials.

D. Customers must be notified within 72 Hours of a data breach.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q4. A merchant wants to notify their customer when a product comes back in stock. Allow Alert when Product Come Back in stock was set to yes in the Magento admin panel but functionality is still not available to the customers. What action is required to correct this?

A.Display out of the Stock must be set to yes in the Magento admin panel

B. Allow Alert when Product Price change must be set to yes I the Magento admin panel

C. Display produce quality must be set to yes in the Magento admin panel

D. No additional action is required, the functionality will become available after the Catalog product index is updated by schedule

Correct Answer: D

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