Exam Name: Magento 2 Certified Associate Developer
Exam Code: Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer
Related Certification(s): Magento M2 Certified Associate Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Magento
Number of Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer practice questions in our database: 103
Expected Magento-2-Certified-Associate-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Magento :
- Module 1: Magento Customization & Architecture Techniques
- Module 2: Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model
- Module 3: Sales Operations; Customer Management/ Request Flow Processing
- Module 4: Working with Databases in Magento/ Developing with Adminhtml
- Module 5: Customizing the Checkout Process/ Customizing the Catalog/ Customizing the Magento UI
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