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Linux Foundation CKS Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist
Exam Code: CKS
Related Certification(s): Linux Foundation Kubernetes Security Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Linux Foundation
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CKS practice questions in our database: 48 
Expected CKS Exam Topics, as suggested by Linux Foundation :

  • Module 1: Cluster Setup: This topic assesses skills of Kubernetes practitioners in configuring secure Kubernetes clusters. It covers network security policies, CIS benchmarks, ingress security, node metadata protection, minimizing GUI access, and verifying platform binaries. Proficiency in these areas ensures a secure foundation for Kubernetes deployments.
  • Module 2: Cluster Hardening: Cluster hardening focuses on securing Kubernetes API access, utilizing Role-Based Access Controls, managing service accounts, and keeping Kubernetes updated. This topic of the CKS exam measures the ability of Kubernetes practitioner to enhance cluster security by reducing exposure and managing permissions effectively.
  • Module 3: System Hardening: It involves minimizing the host OS footprint, managing IAM roles, limiting network access, and using kernel hardening tools like AppArmor and seccomp. The topic tests the skills of Kubernetes practitioners that are required to secure the underlying OS and its interactions with Kubernetes.
  • Module 4: Minimize Microservice Vulnerabilities: This topic of the Linux Foundation Kubernetes Security Specialist exam evaluates techniques to secure microservices, including OS-level security domains, managing Kubernetes secrets, using container runtime sandboxes, and implementing pod-to-pod encryption. It measures the ability to safeguard against vulnerabilities within a multi-tenant environment.
  • Module 5: Supply Chain Security: Supply chain security addresses securing base images, whitelisting registries, signing images, performing static analysis, and scanning for vulnerabilities. The CKA exam assesses skills of Kubernetes practitioners in protecting the entire supply chain of containerized applications from creation to deployment.
  • Module 6: Monitoring, Logging, and Runtime Security: This area of the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist exam focuses on behavioral analytics, threat detection across infrastructure, and ensuring container immutability. Proficiency of the Kubernetes practitioner here demonstrates the ability to maintain security and investigate incidents effectively.


Exam Name: Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist
Exam Code: CKS
Related Certification(s): Linux Foundation Kubernetes Security Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: Linux Foundation
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CKS practice questions in our database: 48 
Expected CKS Exam Topics, as suggested by Linux Foundation :

  • Module 1: Cluster Setup: This topic assesses skills of Kubernetes practitioners in configuring secure Kubernetes clusters. It covers network security policies, CIS benchmarks, ingress security, node metadata protection, minimizing GUI access, and verifying platform binaries. Proficiency in these areas ensures a secure foundation for Kubernetes deployments.
  • Module 2: Cluster Hardening: Cluster hardening focuses on securing Kubernetes API access, utilizing Role-Based Access Controls, managing service accounts, and keeping Kubernetes updated. This topic of the CKS exam measures the ability of Kubernetes practitioner to enhance cluster security by reducing exposure and managing permissions effectively.
  • Module 3: System Hardening: It involves minimizing the host OS footprint, managing IAM roles, limiting network access, and using kernel hardening tools like AppArmor and seccomp. The topic tests the skills of Kubernetes practitioners that are required to secure the underlying OS and its interactions with Kubernetes.
  • Module 4: Minimize Microservice Vulnerabilities: This topic of the Linux Foundation Kubernetes Security Specialist exam evaluates techniques to secure microservices, including OS-level security domains, managing Kubernetes secrets, using container runtime sandboxes, and implementing pod-to-pod encryption. It measures the ability to safeguard against vulnerabilities within a multi-tenant environment.
  • Module 5: Supply Chain Security: Supply chain security addresses securing base images, whitelisting registries, signing images, performing static analysis, and scanning for vulnerabilities. The CKA exam assesses skills of Kubernetes practitioners in protecting the entire supply chain of containerized applications from creation to deployment.
  • Module 6: Monitoring, Logging, and Runtime Security: This area of the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist exam focuses on behavioral analytics, threat detection across infrastructure, and ensuring container immutability. Proficiency of the Kubernetes practitioner here demonstrates the ability to maintain security and investigate incidents effectively.


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