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ISM LEAD Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Leadership and Transformation in Supply Management
Exam Code: LEAD
Related Certification(s): ISM Certified Professional in Supply Management CPSM Certification
Certification Provider: ISM
Number of LEAD practice questions in our database: 165 
Expected LEAD Exam Topics, as suggested by ISM :

  • Module 1: Strategy Development: This section covers creating and carrying out long-term supply management plans to meet organisational objectives.
  • Module 2: Stakeholder Engagement: The section covers cooperating and communicating effectively with internal and external stakeholders impacted by supply chain choices.
  • Module 3: People Development and Coaching: In this section, focus is on nurturing talent and fostering skills growth within the supply management team.
  • Module 4: Systems Capability and Technology: This domain covers developing talent and expanding skill sets among the supply management group members.
  • Module 5: Risk and Compliance: This domain covers identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential threats while ensuring adherence to regulations in supply management.
  • Module 6: Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: This domain covers incorporating ethical and sustainable practices into decision-making and supply chain processes.


Exam Name: Leadership and Transformation in Supply Management
Exam Code: LEAD
Related Certification(s): ISM Certified Professional in Supply Management CPSM Certification
Certification Provider: ISM
Number of LEAD practice questions in our database: 165 
Expected LEAD Exam Topics, as suggested by ISM :

  • Module 1: Strategy Development: This section covers creating and carrying out long-term supply management plans to meet organisational objectives.
  • Module 2: Stakeholder Engagement: The section covers cooperating and communicating effectively with internal and external stakeholders impacted by supply chain choices.
  • Module 3: People Development and Coaching: In this section, focus is on nurturing talent and fostering skills growth within the supply management team.
  • Module 4: Systems Capability and Technology: This domain covers developing talent and expanding skill sets among the supply management group members.
  • Module 5: Risk and Compliance: This domain covers identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential threats while ensuring adherence to regulations in supply management.
  • Module 6: Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: This domain covers incorporating ethical and sustainable practices into decision-making and supply chain processes.


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Q1. A supply manager conducts a risk assessment of the company's top five suppliers. One of these suppliers---a sole source of an integral component---has just one database location and no cloud storage. Any calamity could put supply of the component at risk. In this situation, which of the following is the BEST long-term course of action for the supply manager to take?

A.Analyze the feasibility of insourcing the component

B. Collaborate with IT to offer available database capacity at one of the firm's locations

C. Work with engineering to reduce the component's uniqueness and allow for alternate sources

D. Revise the contract to require the supplier to obtain a backup database facility

Correct Answer: C

Q2. A company conducts an audit of its environmental management system (EMS) for ISO 14001 compliance. In this situation, which of the following factors is MOST likely to be of concern?

A.The EMS audit is scheduled to be conducted by an entity within the company.

B. The EMS plan's targets and goals are subjective and non-quantifiable.

C. The implementation of the EMS plan includes a continuous improvement requirement.

D. The EMS plan has been communicated internally, as well as to suppliers and customers.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following is MOST likely to impact an organization's record/database management policy?

A.The level of detail within the records

B. How far back the records are dated

C. How often the records are referenced

D. Where the recordsarestored

Correct Answer: D

Q4. DEF, Inc. is a large global manufacturer. Two of DEF's supply managers, who are located in offices in different countries, are assigned to lead a new product development team. The team is to be comprised of two stakeholders from each of the supply managers' locations. The supply managers, as well as their respective departments, have had some friction between them in the past, and there is concern they will not be able to work together effectively on this project. Of the following, the BEST approach for assigning stakeholders to the team would be for the supply managers to

A.select stakeholders from each other's locations

B. select stakeholders from their own locations

C. ask senior management to intervene in making the stakeholder assignments

D. create a list of stakeholders from each location and make the selections together

Correct Answer: D

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