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Infor M3-123 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Infor Certified M3 Finance Consultant
Exam Code: M3-123
Related Certification(s): Infor Certification Program Certification
Certification Provider: Infor
Number of M3-123 practice questions in our database: 73 
Expected M3-123 Exam Topics, as suggested by Infor :

  • Module 1: Processing: This topic of the M3-123 exam gives an understanding of foundational data and its setup within Infor M3. By getting this knowledge, aspiring M3 finance consultants can integrate financial management and control, leading to streamlined operations.
  • Module 2: Reporting: The Infor M3-123 exam evaluates proficiency of M3 financial consultants with Ad Hoc Reporting. This includes creating custom reports from standard and customized tables, providing tailored insights critical for financial decisions.
  • Module 3: Setup & Configuration: The topic focuses on configuring financial aspects of Infor M3 such as cost accounting, distribution and purchase costing/accounting, and identifying key design considerations. It also covers FAM functions, payment proposal, MCU configuration, order costing, General Ledger module, and configuration settings for exception rule.
  • Module 4: Using: This topic gives M3 financial consultants knowledge about using Infor M3 effectively for financial tasks, including correcting accounting errors, reviewing distribution costing models, calculating distribution/purchase costs, analyzing/correcting costs, and performing basic process flow. The exam also covers allocations, manual invoice processing, invoicing customer orders, supplier invoice recording, error handling, and VAT reporting.


Exam Name: Infor Certified M3 Finance Consultant
Exam Code: M3-123
Related Certification(s): Infor Certification Program Certification
Certification Provider: Infor
Number of M3-123 practice questions in our database: 73 
Expected M3-123 Exam Topics, as suggested by Infor :

  • Module 1: Processing: This topic of the M3-123 exam gives an understanding of foundational data and its setup within Infor M3. By getting this knowledge, aspiring M3 finance consultants can integrate financial management and control, leading to streamlined operations.
  • Module 2: Reporting: The Infor M3-123 exam evaluates proficiency of M3 financial consultants with Ad Hoc Reporting. This includes creating custom reports from standard and customized tables, providing tailored insights critical for financial decisions.
  • Module 3: Setup & Configuration: The topic focuses on configuring financial aspects of Infor M3 such as cost accounting, distribution and purchase costing/accounting, and identifying key design considerations. It also covers FAM functions, payment proposal, MCU configuration, order costing, General Ledger module, and configuration settings for exception rule.
  • Module 4: Using: This topic gives M3 financial consultants knowledge about using Infor M3 effectively for financial tasks, including correcting accounting errors, reviewing distribution costing models, calculating distribution/purchase costs, analyzing/correcting costs, and performing basic process flow. The exam also covers allocations, manual invoice processing, invoicing customer orders, supplier invoice recording, error handling, and VAT reporting.


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Q1. Which one of the following programs allows you to manually enter supplier invoices for payment?

A.Supplier Invoice.Record (APS100)

B. Supplier Invoice. Recode (APS110)

C. Supplier Payment Proposal.Open (APS130)

D. Supplier Invoice Batch.Open (APS450)

Correct Answer: B

Q2. You just ran the Internal Account Entry.Create (CAS950). Which one of the following database files is an internal account entry that is created?





Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which one of the following programs do you use to process a Manual AP Invoice?


B. APS100

C. APS120

D. APS450

Correct Answer: C

Q4. You just ran the Internal Account Entry.Create (CAS950). Which one of the following database files is an internal account entry that is created?





Correct Answer: B

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