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IIBA-AAC Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Agile Analysis Certification Exam
Related Certification(s): IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications
Certification Provider: IIBA
Number of IIBA-AAC practice questions in our database: 85 
Expected IIBA-AAC Exam Topics, as suggested by IIBA :

  • Module 1: Master the terminologies used in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0/ Learn how to manage stakeholders effectively in an Agile environment
  • Module 2: Gain access to join live monthly tutorials (Q&A webinars) where participants can clarify all their doubts with AAC certified instructors
  • Module 3: Gain competence in the Agile mindset, Methodologies and Frameworks, the 3 Agile Horizons
  • Module 4: Strategy, Initiative, and Delivery Horizons and the best practices outlined in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0
  • Module 5: Be able to demonstrate continued dedication to the profession through recertification requirements
  • Module 6: Learn how to identify and apply various tools and techniques to effectively execute analysis related work in an agile context
  • Module 7: Understand and learn the established agile business analysis practices that are outlined in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0
  • Module 8: Acquire sound understanding of the role, competencies and skillsets required to become an effective and result-oriented Agile Business Analyst
  • Module 9: Gain practical insights into the principles and practices of agile business analysis
  • Module 10: Interact with AAC certified instructors and learn how to tackle the exam through AAC practice tests and feedback


Exam Name: Agile Analysis Certification Exam
Related Certification(s): IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications
Certification Provider: IIBA
Number of IIBA-AAC practice questions in our database: 85 
Expected IIBA-AAC Exam Topics, as suggested by IIBA :

  • Module 1: Master the terminologies used in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0/ Learn how to manage stakeholders effectively in an Agile environment
  • Module 2: Gain access to join live monthly tutorials (Q&A webinars) where participants can clarify all their doubts with AAC certified instructors
  • Module 3: Gain competence in the Agile mindset, Methodologies and Frameworks, the 3 Agile Horizons
  • Module 4: Strategy, Initiative, and Delivery Horizons and the best practices outlined in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0
  • Module 5: Be able to demonstrate continued dedication to the profession through recertification requirements
  • Module 6: Learn how to identify and apply various tools and techniques to effectively execute analysis related work in an agile context
  • Module 7: Understand and learn the established agile business analysis practices that are outlined in the Agile Extension to BABoK v2.0
  • Module 8: Acquire sound understanding of the role, competencies and skillsets required to become an effective and result-oriented Agile Business Analyst
  • Module 9: Gain practical insights into the principles and practices of agile business analysis
  • Module 10: Interact with AAC certified instructors and learn how to tackle the exam through AAC practice tests and feedback


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Q1. The team is prioritizing stories in the backlog and discussing the elements that result in a well-structured, actionable backlog. They identify the following as a central consideration:

A.Accessibility of key stakeholders for signoff

B. Rapid delivery of value

C. Refining the personas used

D. How many features are in the backlog

Correct Answer: B

Q2. While using Kano Analysis to determine what features to include in the MVP, the delivery team decides to include characteristics which if omitted will cause intense dissatisfaction. A team member indicates that these are referred to as:

A.Performance characteristics

B. Threshold characteristics

C. Minimum characteristics

D. Excitement characteristics

Correct Answer: B

Q3. The team is struggling with how to best design and explore options for moving forward. They settle on a time-boxed research approach which is often referred to as a:


B. Wasteful

C. Spike

D. Incremental

Correct Answer: C

Q4. While using Kano Analysis to determine what features to include in the MVP, the delivery team decides to include characteristics which if omitted will cause intense dissatisfaction. A team member indicates that these are referred to as:

A.Performance characteristics

B. Threshold characteristics

C. Minimum characteristics

D. Excitement characteristics

Correct Answer: B

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