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IIA-CIA-Part3 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Internal Auditor-Internal Audit Knowledge Elements
Exam Code: IIA-CIA-Part3
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of IIA-CIA-Part3 practice questions in our database: 340 
Expected IIA-CIA-Part3 Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Differentiate types of common physical security controls/ Examine common performance measures
  • Module 2: Define the operational roles of a network administrator, database administrator, and help desk
  • Module 3: Explain the data analytics process/ ?Differentiate the various forms of user authentication and authorization controls
  • Module 4: ?Explain general concepts of managerial accounting/ ?Examine the risk and control implications of common business processes
  • Module 5: Describe cybersecurity and information security-related policies/ Describe the strategic planning process and key activities
  • Module 6: ?Recognize advanced and emerging financial accounting concepts/ Organizational Structure and Business Processes
  • Module 7: Recognize the various forms and elements of contracts/ ?Identify project management techniques
  • Module 8: Recognize data privacy laws and their potential impact on data security policies and practices/ Explain disaster recovery planning site concepts
  • Module 9: Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing/ Explain the purpose and use of various information security controls
  • Module 10: Explain basic IT infrastructure and network concepts/ ?Recognize existing and emerging cybersecurity risks
  • Module 11: Recognize emerging technology practices and their impact on security/ Appraise the risk and control implications of different organizational configuration structures
  • Module 12: Recognize core activities in the systems development lifecycle and delivery/ Recognize the purpose and applications of IT control frameworks


Exam Name: Certified Internal Auditor-Internal Audit Knowledge Elements
Exam Code: IIA-CIA-Part3
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of IIA-CIA-Part3 practice questions in our database: 340 
Expected IIA-CIA-Part3 Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Differentiate types of common physical security controls/ Examine common performance measures
  • Module 2: Define the operational roles of a network administrator, database administrator, and help desk
  • Module 3: Explain the data analytics process/ ?Differentiate the various forms of user authentication and authorization controls
  • Module 4: ?Explain general concepts of managerial accounting/ ?Examine the risk and control implications of common business processes
  • Module 5: Describe cybersecurity and information security-related policies/ Describe the strategic planning process and key activities
  • Module 6: ?Recognize advanced and emerging financial accounting concepts/ Organizational Structure and Business Processes
  • Module 7: Recognize the various forms and elements of contracts/ ?Identify project management techniques
  • Module 8: Recognize data privacy laws and their potential impact on data security policies and practices/ Explain disaster recovery planning site concepts
  • Module 9: Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing/ Explain the purpose and use of various information security controls
  • Module 10: Explain basic IT infrastructure and network concepts/ ?Recognize existing and emerging cybersecurity risks
  • Module 11: Recognize emerging technology practices and their impact on security/ Appraise the risk and control implications of different organizational configuration structures
  • Module 12: Recognize core activities in the systems development lifecycle and delivery/ Recognize the purpose and applications of IT control frameworks


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Q1. An organization prepares a statement of privacy to protect customers' personal information. Which of the following might violate the privacy principles?

A.Customers can access and update personal information when needed.

B. The organization retains customers' personal information indefinitely.

C. Customers reserve the right to reject sharing personal information with third parties.

D. The organization performs regular maintenance on customers' personal information.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which of the following backup methodologies would be most efficient in backing up a database in the production environment?

A.Disk mirroring of the data being stored on the database.

B. A differential backup that is performed on a weekly basis.

C. An array of independent disks used to back up the database.

D. An incremental backup of the database on a daily basis.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which of the following statements describes the typical benefit of using a flat organizational structure for the internal audit activity, compared to a hierarchical structure?

A.A flat structure results in lower operating and support costs than a hierarchical structure.

B. A flat structure results in a stable and very collaborative environment.

C. A flat structure enables field auditors to report to and learn from senior auditors.

D. A flat structure is more dynamic and offers more opportunities for advancement than a hierarchical structure.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following backup methodologies would be most efficient in backing up a database in the production environment?

A.Disk mirroring of the data being stored on the database.

B. A differential backup that is performed on a weekly basis.

C. An array of independent disks used to back up the database.

D. An incremental backup of the database on a daily basis.

Correct Answer: D

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