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IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
Exam Code: IIA-CIA-Part3-3P
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of IIA-CIA-Part3-3P practice questions in our database: 488
Expected IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Examine the risk and control implications of common business processes/ Appraise the risk and control implications of different organizational configuration structures
  • Module 2: ?Distinguish various costs (relevant and irrelevant costs, incremental costs, etc.)/ Organizational Objectives, Behavior, and Performance
  • Module 3: Recognize the various forms and elements of contracts/ Describe the strategic planning process and key activities
  • Module 4: Explain general concepts of managerial accounting/ Explain organizational behavior (individuals in organizations, groups, and how organizations behave, etc.)
  • Module 5: Differentiate costing systems (absorption, variable, fixed, activity-based, standard, etc.)/ Examine common performance measures
  • Module 6: Describe cybersecurity and information security-related policies/ Describe management’s effectiveness to lead, mentor, guide people, build organizational commitment
  • Module 7: Describe capital budgeting, capital structure, basic taxation, and transfer pricing/ Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing
  • Module 8: Explain the purpose and use of various information security controls/ Differentiate types of common physical security controls (cards, keys, biometrics, etc.)
  • Module 9: Explain basic IT infrastructure and network concepts/ Identify project management techniques
  • Module 10: Organizational Structure and Business Processes/ Infrastructure and IT Control Frameworks
  • Module 11: Explain disaster recovery planning site concepts/ Recognize the purpose and applications of IT control frameworks
  • Module 12: Differentiate the various forms of user authentication and authorization controls/ Identify concepts and underlying principles of financial accounting
  • Module 13: ?Recognize advanced and emerging financial accounting concepts/ Describe revenue cycle, current asset management activities and accounting, and supply chain management


Exam Name: CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
Exam Code: IIA-CIA-Part3-3P
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of IIA-CIA-Part3-3P practice questions in our database: 488
Expected IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Examine the risk and control implications of common business processes/ Appraise the risk and control implications of different organizational configuration structures
  • Module 2: ?Distinguish various costs (relevant and irrelevant costs, incremental costs, etc.)/ Organizational Objectives, Behavior, and Performance
  • Module 3: Recognize the various forms and elements of contracts/ Describe the strategic planning process and key activities
  • Module 4: Explain general concepts of managerial accounting/ Explain organizational behavior (individuals in organizations, groups, and how organizations behave, etc.)
  • Module 5: Differentiate costing systems (absorption, variable, fixed, activity-based, standard, etc.)/ Examine common performance measures
  • Module 6: Describe cybersecurity and information security-related policies/ Describe management’s effectiveness to lead, mentor, guide people, build organizational commitment
  • Module 7: Describe capital budgeting, capital structure, basic taxation, and transfer pricing/ Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing
  • Module 8: Explain the purpose and use of various information security controls/ Differentiate types of common physical security controls (cards, keys, biometrics, etc.)
  • Module 9: Explain basic IT infrastructure and network concepts/ Identify project management techniques
  • Module 10: Organizational Structure and Business Processes/ Infrastructure and IT Control Frameworks
  • Module 11: Explain disaster recovery planning site concepts/ Recognize the purpose and applications of IT control frameworks
  • Module 12: Differentiate the various forms of user authentication and authorization controls/ Identify concepts and underlying principles of financial accounting
  • Module 13: ?Recognize advanced and emerging financial accounting concepts/ Describe revenue cycle, current asset management activities and accounting, and supply chain management


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Q1. Which of the following is likely to occur when an organization decides to adopt a decentralized organizational structure?

A.A slower response to external change.

B. Less controlled decision making.

C. More burden on higher-level managers.

D. Less use of employees' true skills and abilities.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A manager decided to build his team's enthusiasm by giving encouraging talks about employee empowerment, hoping to change the perception that management should make all decisions in the department. The manager is most likely trying to impact which of the following components of his team's attitude?

A.Affective component.

B. Cognition component.

C. Thinking component.

D. Behavioral component.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which of the following is a cybersecurity monitoring activity intended to deter disruptive codes from being installed on an organization's systems?

A.Boundary defense.

B. Malware defense.

C. Penetration tests.

D. Wireless access controls.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A manager decided to build his team's enthusiasm by giving encouraging talks about employee empowerment, hoping to change the perception that management should make all decisions in the department. The manager is most likely trying to impact which of the following components of his team's attitude?

A.Affective component.

B. Cognition component.

C. Thinking component.

D. Behavioral component.

Correct Answer: A

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